
Do you think there is such thing as good luck and bad luck ?

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anyone here superstitious?




  1. good luck: myth

    bad luck: fact

  2. No such thing as bad luck.  There is however vicious circles and the Self-fulfilling prophecy.  When bad things happen to people they become upset and find themselves in bad situations, this can set the trend for more and more bad things to happen. If someone thinks that people hate them and are "out to get them" they act in a different way thus cause people to interact with them in a different way again the situation is caused by the individual not some external source.  In essence i think we are all in control of our own destiny, and there is no magical force of luck swooping around us.

  3. Luck is one of my beliefs, yes.

  4. no, just coincidence

  5. im quite superstitious

    i dont like going under ladders or breaking mirrors

  6. yes i was born under an unlucky star a gypsy told me that all my life i would be making the bread and there will always be someone taking the butter,i am 58 now,worked all my life and have nothing,i have been lied to,stolen from,its unreal what things have happened its just one thing after another,i think i have had a curse put on me

  7. I don't believe in good luck and bad luck. I believe that every effect must have cause. I mean in life, not lottery numbers! I'm not superstitious in the slightest, which people tell me contradicts being a witch, but nonetheless I am. I constantly tell people that luck does not exist unless you want it to. If you believe that you are unlucky, then you will be unlucky, and if you believe you are lucky, then you are willing yourself to be so. This is what I believe anyway!

  8. " Only if you are superstitious"

  9. I've had people tell me we make our own luck. I think thats a bunch of bull. We are either lucky or unlucky. For life.

  10. Well, it depends on what you believe.

    For all the superstitious out there, they believe certain things tip your luck to good or bad.

    For the average person, they believe that either:

    1. You determine good or bad luck (if you are positive then you have good luck, negative and you get bad luck.)

    2. You have either good or bad luck for life.

    I personally believe that you make your luck but it is fate sometimes as well.

    Hope that has helped!

  11. I do really belive in good luck and bad luck/

    Its just i do not so much belive if you walk under a ladder you will get bad luck. The only things i belive in is if you stare in a crows eye you have bad luck if you find a penny head side up it is good luck but tails side up bad luck and four leaf clovers

  12. will we ever know?

  13. well i like to think of it as this i only beilve in good superstitons. why belive in the bad ones if they do no good to you. im not relly superstsios thou

  14. well...i belive in karma

  15. I'm not superstitious but i do believe that life can go against you making you feel unlucky, luck can happen good or bad

  16. no. because there is no such thing as luck.

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