
Do you think there is the possibility of a society of humans living on Earth before the dinosaurs?

by Guest58801  |  earlier

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when i said humans have left no evidence, I meant that if you try to find evidence from the first 100 years of our existance it is scarce. Or at least thats what the "naked archiologist" said, he said there is almost no evidence of our first 0-100 years of existance. Is this not correct




  1. Yes

  2. very cool idea... but why go back so far?... why not 50,000 years ago? or even 10,000... who knows we may have already made a hydrogen bomb and just up and destroyed civilization... that would explain all those ignorant ideas nick was talking about...too

    none of our dating techniques well i wont say none but very few of them are provable techniques...especially with the really old stuff....

    basically what im saying is yeah this is very great stuff to imagine but all other things being equal, the simplest solution is the best

    and to nick...

    stop watching discovery channel.... history channel if your going to regurgetate this c**p into the real world....

    read a book and think for your self...

    best advice you will ever get...

  3. Even if there are no human fossils, there ought to be plenty of hominid or other higher primate fossils from the mesozoic era, and there are none, not even of lower prmates. It's an interesting idea, though.

    I disagree that humans "have left almost no evidence of [our] existance". Evidence is not limited to bones, of which there are several billion alive today, and at least a billion in the ground, but there is all of the archaelogical evidence of our presence, like cities and ships at the bottom of the ocean. There ought to be plenty of that stuff around, too.

  4. I think this can't be answered by just simple 10 or 15 line answer

    So I'm giving u a leading website u read u r self their hypothesis   and theories and u come to a conclusion u self

    this will takes u directly u r doubts about dinosaurs page I think u would understood that

  5. yes, a form of humanoid existed,and leads to the credence of many of the legions of our early ancestors, ask the Aborigines where Tye came from and they will first point to the dog star, but if asked is that the star, they will tell you no, the one behind it, well the one behind it was not discovered until the late thirties.a weapon,early in design, but highly advanced in technology,the boomerang who wants to chase after some thing you have just thrown and missed! well instead of running into the group of animals your hunting it returns to your hand. Try that with a bow or spear. these examples of everyday stuff plus some social idiosyncrasies that only they practice. makes them my #1 canadate for the first on earth

  6. Possible? Yes.

    Remember evolution is theory. Not a proven fact.

    There ae many unknowns in the historical development of this planet.

    Archeologists were proven wrong about the timeline of humans in North America and Australia.

    The age of the Egyptian Pyramids is being debated.If the erosion was caused by water damage that alters the timeline by 7,000 years which changes dramatically, accepted human


    Crystal skulls have been discovered which even with todays technology can not be reproduced.

    An accurate map of Antarctica UNDER THE ICE has been known to exist from the middle ages.Only in very recent years has NASA been able to do the same thing.

    Persian "Batteries" are documented dating thousands of years before electricity was discovered.

    Science  has not been able explain many known facts within the framework of modern humans.

  7. Okay, so forget the specifics... your timing is way off. But I understand your question and there is no need to nit pick with the dates of what you are asking.  Someday they will hone in and be able to carbon date, or something  similar more accurately. But for now, we can only guess and surmise.

    Yes it is possible that there was a civilization of men that dwelled here before or during the same period of time as the dinosaurs. It is possible as there is no evidence supporting that it was not so. The likely hood is  less of a chance, but a chance none the less. Now, why do you suppose there were buildings and cars? I mean, if there was man here at that time, it would most likely be aliens from another planet who would only set up camp for studying the earths conditions and life system.  Were you suggesting that there was a civilization of people that were born here on this planet? Again a slight possibility, but what makes you think they would have been able to manufacture? Wouldn't it more likely that at best it would only be as advanced as the Egyptians or even less , like Neanderthals? Great question, and a good think. There are much findings that keep getting earlier and earlier in the time line, so I do believe that we are on the cusp of finding things that are older and older..... but I doubt that your question will be actually answered in our life times

  8. Actually, there are tons of dinosaurs being discovered - we just didn't find them earlier because people weren't digging around in the right places (like NJ, apparently).  Paloentologists estimate we've only found about 10% of all dinosaur species.  

    I think the biggest problem with humans existing before dinos would be - were they just hiding during the dino age, or did they re-evolve afterwards?  Although evolution demonstratably happens, the chances of the same species evolving twice independantly is null.  It's just not going to happen.  Which means if we were around before dinos, then we were around with the dinos.  And there's no evidence for humans before a few million years ago.  None at all - and we definitely would have seen it by now, we've found plenty of dinos and human ancestor remains.

    EDIT:  Nick, you need to be a bit more discriminating with your sources.  None of that stuff is verified by the people actually working in the field - if they could prove any of it, it would be one of the greatest discoveries of mankind.  But since they haven't produced any peer-reviewed research on it, you've got to assume they're just making it up.  Real scientists don't post their research on websites like that - they get it published in journals.

  9. my answer has nothing to do with the question...

    comment on *nick* :

    I heard a thing on nat. geo. that they say aliens could have given early humans their technology...such as lights to the egyptians...

  10. Yes there was humans before dinosaurs....

    and no one can find any existence of them, because when the dinosaur's came along, they ate the humans,,,,,so therefore there would be no evidence.....tee hee

  11. Yes, before the Great Flood that shaped our earth and gave us our oceans, there was most likely another human civilization, that may have been much more advanced than we are today.

    This explains...

    -why there are pyramids built under the ocean off of Japan,

    -why Egyptian heiroglyphs can be found in Australia,

    -why toy airplanes are found among Mayan ruins,

    -why there is an underwater paved road off of Bimini,

    -why Olaf Jansen was found in the South Pole after getting lost in the North Pole,

    -why the ancient Egyptians were able to pull 100 ton blocks 46 meters up the Great Pyramid,

    -why twice the length of a side of the Great Pyramid divided by its height equals 3.14, or Pi

    -why many ancient native cave drawing depict electrical equipment, light bulbs, planes, etc.

    Do not assume that our current historians have everything right.  There is obviously a lot more going on than we are aware of.

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