
Do you think there might be something fishy about the skyrocketing price of food?

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I can see food going up a little bit in tough times. And maybe even more than a little bit. But when foods triple in price, something is up. Is it possible that some food corporations are hiking the prices way way up and using the recession as an excuse (when in reality the food producers might not be hurting at all because the government subsidizes them). I know how supply and demand works and I know a lot about economic factors, but I smell something fishy here. I am a smart, frugal shopper too who always looks for deals, but the cost of food is just killing me financially right now.




  1. The price they pay to put the crops in the ground have also tripled for them,its not just fuel everything else seed spray and so on has went up for them.Not to  forget the far east is buying more of our food as they can afford to now that we shipped our jobs over there.Its killing all of us.Also the traders on wall street can run the price on grains up if they think something might cause a shortage in supply even if its not true.

  2. Yes,,, two big reasons are the price of gasoline and diesel fuel used to harvest and transport food.

    Plus the price of corn has gone way up due to farmers planting ethanol corn instead of feed corn.

  3. Everything is being blamed on gas prices. Which is true to a degree.

    The more the government lets these corporations get away with the more we the people will have to pay. I feel so bad for every middle and lower class out there trying to make ends meet and keep a roof over their families head. I feel the pressure  myself just so you don't think I have money. They say in the future there will be only high and lower class.

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