
Do you think there should be a reward for turning in illegals?

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I believe if people were rewarded in some way there would be much more control over illegal immigrants and the burden they cause America.




  1. definitely, it would not have to be a lot they would report each other

  2. How would you know if some guy is illegal in the country?? you are setting up yourself for some nasty law suits, if you are ready for the consequences of sending the authorities to knock on someones door and this person is not illegal then go ahead

  3. it would be worth $500 for me to deport the illegal aliens and oh i wish to have some of their foodstamps because i,m down on my luck.

  4. Good idea maybe the government could give us one months of the illegals welfare for turning them in.

  5. Not a good Idea because, it would lead to creating as many or greater problems as they  discourage..

  6. "oh no! what about our tax money?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


  7. That is a great idea. I live in Southern California, so I would be able to make some serious cash.

  8. NO, while I  believe that those who are here illegally should be deported, putting a price on their heads would leave to all kinds of abuse.

  9. I would consider that just being your civic duty sir, no need to monetarily reward people for doing what is right.

  10. yes it would even a 50 buck award it wouldnt be hard at all to get em

  11. That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.

  12. nope

    true americans would do it with no reward if they love their country

  13. I like it. It would show the government's support of the fight on illegal immigration, which I certainly do not see at this time. It would put more emphasis on the fact that these people are wanted criminals.

    Laws protecting them should also be thrown out. For example laws that sanctuary cities employ, law enforcers not being able to ask them if they are illegal, etc...

    As far as I'm concerned they are all felons and have no rights here.

  14. Yea would work pretty well. It may offset the fear of retaliation from other illegals. It also follows with our general laws since its pretty common to see rewards for people helping catch murderers and for information about missing persons although the missing persons are generally privatly funded.

  15. Thats gotta be the dumbest thing I have ever heard

    How about a reward to turn in every White racist we encounter just to even things out.

  16. illegals shouldnt be punished at all and should be left alone.  cheap labor creates cheaper goods and would help stimulate our suffering economy, yet many ppl fail to see this.

  17. While I don't think people should be rewarded for doing their duty as Americans and turning them in,it would certainly help in getting rid of them so I would be all for it.

  18. There should be a reward for turning in their employers.

  19. if you see a crime then you should report it

    the U.S. should Not have to pay people to do the right thing !

  20. h**l yes!  Even a hotline number for people abusing the health care system, welfare, harboring a criminal, illegal aliens..........It would be better for us, cheaper, and maybe when we retire we can actually get to collect SS since we've been paying all these years.

    Almost same question asked awhile ago. Someone gave statistics:  average illegal family will use 1.2 million AMERICAN dollars--money that we are working for.

  21. Yes, the average illegal family will receive 1.2 million dollars over their life time. So even if they gave us 1% of that amount the country would still reap a great savings

  22. Exact opposite. Democrats support illegal immigration. That is why they created so many sanctuary cities. Gov. Spitzer of NY tried to give them drivers licenses.

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