
Do you think there should. . . . ?

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do you think there should be a death penalty in prisons?




  1. If they done it once they may do it again.

    Rape deserves death more that murder deserves death.

  2. Yes because a person who commits a murder should be punished in the same way to one show the public that it ill never be tolerated and to two properly punish someone

  3. Yes I do. But the death should take place right away instead of suffering for years in prison. And a death penalty should only be for ones who have killed others.

  4. Personally i think people should have a chance to have their life and come on the right path to be forgiven.

    A human doesn't have the right to kill another human, only Allah does.

  5. so according to you goose a child molester should escape the death penalty > pretty smart >

    i have to go 2 bed

    sweet dreams biaaatch

    u 2 hoe  

  6. it depends on the crime

  7. no, cause no ones should kill because they think they commited something when the only person who knows FOR SURE, is that person and Allah, swt.

    has anyone seen the movie, "the green mile"

    its so sad.

  8. No. Nobody has the right to take a life. I mean.. aren't we ALL supposed to forgive each other no matter the sin?

  9. Yes, they should kill them a lot faster too, instead of keeping a murder on death row for 20 years or something.

    If a person unlawfully takes a life, then his life should be taken.

  10. I'm a bit divided myself...

    Back in teh olden days, if someone that committed murder wasn't put to death.....since there was no long term jail facilities....the were set free and given the opportunity to commit the crime again.  

    Now we do have facilities where someone can spend the rest of their life in jail.  

    Same time, justice to the family of the victim needs to be taken into account....or the person them self in the case of rape.  Things like that can really s***w up the rest of peoples' lives.  

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