
Do you think there will be a Third World War?

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with the current conflict between Georgia and Russia do you think there will be a third world war?




  1. Whether it does or not, as a future woman in the navy, it means for asses to kick

  2. Definitely possible.  Also consider that the US is signing the missile shield deal w/ Poland, which Russia is not happy about.  Russia also kinda supports Iran, another problem area.  

  3. no....

  4. As americans you should hope and prey there is never a 3rd world all out war because your civilian population will be on the front line so it will feel a bit more real rather than watching it on cnn.

  5. Wars are natural there human hatred for another society, and as we know the Russian > Georgian war is cooling down. America does not want to attack Iran just yet and its refused weaponry to Israel whom wanted to use it to attack Iran's nuclear bases. British troops and American troops have almost accomplished their mission in Afghanistan so as we speak a lot is being stopped however World Wars will be frequent and the longer it takes the deadlier it will be due to the advancement of military technology.


  6. if mccain is elected

  7. possibly

    it would NATO vs SCO (the SCO is like NATO but in the east)

  8. A good possibility if The US gets an appeaser like Obama for President.

  9. The question isn't if it's when...its in Human nature to want control and power......and no matter what we do ww3 will evantly happen it probly won't happen because of the Georgia/Russian conflict but it will eventuly happen.......I mean tentions are high around the world right now China and Russia are in a massive military build up and bith have expressed hostile veiws towars the WEST........the EAST is becoming more and more powerful I think the next world war will be the West vs the East....

  10.   Yes.   was in the Army stationed in Germany in the 60's during the cold war and I think it is a long time coming.I am sorry to say that its the only thing that will unite the people together again. ex Veteran  

  11. Unfortunately it's getting more likely by the day.

  12. eventually but i dont think the conflict in georgia will be the start of it.

  13. Yes it is very possible, specially if Iran attacks Israel and Israel answers with nuclear weapons

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