
Do you think there will be a World war 3?

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and why not?




  1. I hope not, its was bad enough with World War II  .... because it wont be the USA that gets hurt  

  2. If you wanted, you could say that we have already had it.

    I don't feel there will be one myself.

    Not a world war as such but a war on surviving the destruction of our planet is fast approaching.

  3. Well...We have a war on terror. Terror has no specific country, so you can say we are at war with the world.

    You know World Wars were not known as World Wars until they were over with.

    WWI was the Great War.

    WWII Was the War to End All Wars. (ha,ha)

    So technically we might be in the early stages of WWIII.  

  4. I think maybe at some point WAY down the road, but right now not so much. If you're referring to Russia, nobody wants to be the ones to start a war with a nuclear-armed opponent. Even us. Go figure. Peace!

  5. Yes most definately! why? if McCain get's in, Why not? the only ray of hope I can see on the horizon, is Obama/Biden 08!

  6. Ever?

    Yes.  5 billion years is a long time.

  7. I sure hope not but with the current tensions running high I have an uncertian feeling about what is in store for the United States.

  8. yes, I am confident that either some 3rd world country like Iran will get a nuke and use it or Russia invade Poland, or some dumb thing like that and kick it off within the next 20 years

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