
Do you think there will be a book series in the future that will be as popular as Harry Potter?

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Do you think there will be a book series in the future that will be as popular as Harry Potter?




  1. Yes, there is already a series out that I think that blows Harry Potter away and that is the series by C. S. Lewis "The Chronicles of Narnia".  All 7 books are great.

    Also the series by Christopher Paolini "Eragon, Eldest, and now there is a new book coming out next month. The movie about Eragon did not do it justice, the book is 100 times better, the person who did the movie left out a lot of details.

    I could go on and on about other series, it just depends on your age and your imagination in what you like to read about.  For example, I love reading about wizzards and dragons, Sorceress and magic.

    A really good groomsom series if you can handle it is by Robert Newcomb "The Chronicles of Blood and Stone series".  The books in this series are "Fifth Sorceress, Gates Dawn, and The Scrolls of the Ancients".  This series is full of magic, wizzards, and various creatures you couldn't even imagine about.  I couldn't put these books down.

  2. There is right now. Its called the Twilight Series and they are the best books in the universe.

    Next to Harry Potter of course ;)

  3. I highly doubt it.

  4. Say the name Harry Potter and most people in the world will know what you are talking about. But eventually it will be almost like a classic of this century. It's kind of like a fad. Eventually, there will be one that will drive everyone in the world crazy about that book. But say the name "Twilight", they wouldn't know it - just like me until I came upon Y!A again in June.

  5. you never know

  6. Sure, just like Harry Potter will eventually fade from most people's memories.  Most of the records it holds are a function of demographics and that there are more people in the world now.

    Harry Potter isn't the first children's book sensation, it won't be the last.  

  7. Yes, probably but i doubt that anything will ever be as good.

  8. I think Twilight is pretty popular right now, but besides that I don't think so.  Twilight will probably be its only competition.

  9. Most likely. Potter is celebrated, but considering that there is a forever ahead of us, I don't doubt it.

  10. Twilight doesn't have as many books as Harry Potter.

    And no offense, i loooove twilight,  but it doesn't have as strong a writer as harry potter

  11. I think that the Twilight series is getting close...

  12. Yes. Eventually. I personally didn't like the Harry Potter series as it bored me.

  13. No.

    Harry Potter is a world wide series. EVERYONE knows who Harry Potter is!

  14. I think there will be. There's always something that's in and that everyone wants to have or in this case read. I don't think the series are as good as people say they are. I enjoy them and have read all the books and seen all the movies so far, but there are better books out there that just don't have the marketing. But yeah, for sure there will be another series that are as popular.

  15. I hope not. I'm hating all this popularity stuff right now. Don't get me wrong, I love Harry Potter, but I would still love it if it weren't popular.

    Do I think that there will be another popular series? As long as our reading population remains a group of brainless sheep who don't know literature if it bites them on the nose.

    Harry Potter is a rare exception to the "everything popular sucks" rule.

  16. Nope. A books financial gains can help u get an idea on how popular it is. HP is the #1 bestselling series and has an ENORMOUS worldwide fanbase. The Chronicles of Narnia is a great book, but it isn't as popular as HP. Twilight sells pretty nicely too, and it has its fans, but one single HP book sold more than the whole series, and I don't think it will be a popular as HP.

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