
Do you think there will be a moment between Joe Biden and Sarah Palin where...?

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Joe Biden will get to say, "Governor,I serve with Hillary Clinton. I know Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton is my friend a friend of mine. Governor,you're no Hillary Clinton".

I was just curious since Palin brought up Hillary Clinton when she was introduced as McCain's VP last friday,and I feel like she's going to talk about her being a female VP and somehow bringing up Hillary Clinton during the VP debate




  1. He can't accuse Sarah of being a d**e like some other women he knows. Not that there is anything wrong with being a d**e.  

  2. If you go for a s*x change and they sew on a second p***s??

    Thats not change, thats just more of the same.

  3. I can't stomach Biden but I do believe he is a gentleman. I am sure if someone compared Palin to Hillery, Palin would be insulted (as she should be)

  4. She should be proud she is not Hillary. Palin has earned her experience herself, not by preying on the pity of voters. She crossed part lines for what is right and just. Hillary blew it when she endorsed Obama.

    Sarah Palin can take care of herself!

  5. Palin is no Hilliary. Palin is an actual woman.

  6. Good concept, but it wouldn't work.  Palin just thanked Hillary Clinton for what she has done for women.  She didn't claim to be anything like her (aside from being a woman).

    Quayle actually compared himself to JFK.  And that was a very dumb thing to do; he set himself up for that one.

  7. She'll be bringing up Hillary every chance she gets, until Hillary knocks her around a little. It's unimaginable that liberal Hillary supporters would ever vote for Sarah Palin. Palin supports criminalizing abortion including rape, incest and when the mother's life is at risk. I don't think any Hillary supporter could support that.

    Biden will let her have it.

  8. LOL I can see that.  Hey she brought up Geradine Ferraro! Don't know if that was a wise move. Yes if I were her I would not invoke Hillary's name.

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