
Do you think there will be a water shortage?

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Suddenly all the global warming scientists are going on about an impending water shortage. I would have guessed that most people could have inferred that drought and water shortage would be an inevitable consequence of global warming. Evidently not, because suddenly NOW water shortage has become the "hot" thing to talk about. Do you think that if scientists keep pushing this issue, panic will ensue?




  1. nah...depends where you live scotland it rains every day and is considered one of the richest countries in the world for water..we even share it with the english

  2. Already we are facing a world potable water shortage

    25% of the planets surface is land

    75%of the surface is water and it is rising


    97%of the Earths water is salt

    fresh water is only 3% of all the Earths water

    most of it is beyond out reach

    STORAGE or Location of % of the fresh water

    ice and glaziers 74%

    now much ice is melting and running into the seas fresh water lost for ever.

    groundwater 800 meters + 13.5 %

    groundwater less than 800meters 11.o%

    Lakes 0.3%

    soils 0.006%

    Atmospheric in circulation 0.0035%

    rivers 0.03%

    frozen land or permafrost is not included and represent an unavailable storage of 40%

    so of the 3% about 11.6 ,is easily available to us ,in rivers, lakes and ground water surface aquifers,more and more of this is becoming contaminated

    overpopulation of an extra 70 million people a year (increasing all the time )and expanding agriculture ,which uses 70% of available potable water supplies ,has brought the good(sweet) water suplies to critical levels ,some countries have been in trouble already quite a while .

    now climate change and desertification because of irresponsible agriculture ,overgrazing and deforrestation is damaging world fresh water production .

    it is a good reason for concern and if we do not rectify matters by changing agricultural methods ,reforrest ,stop deforrestation,become more economic with water use ,stop producing more people ,stop wasting and contaminating water, we will be in serious trouble all round

    and could end up looking like Mars

    same answer with a bit more detail about conservation;...

  3. Yes especially in the American west, Las Vegas is running out of water because their population is growing so fast the Colorado river can't deliver enough water

  4. Water is going to get more and more valuabel as time goes on.

    Do us all a favor and pour out your drinks and cups of ice before you throw them in a plastic trash bag.

    Evaporation can't occur in plastic.

  5. Not just water, but food, oil, gas, and then air. The whole world will implode with people fighting for the most basic things in life.

  6. There is ALREADY a water shortage in many parts of the world. It just has not caught up to the U.S. yet.

  7. No, I do not think there will be a water shortage because I believe the whole man-made global warming thing is mostly hype.  And yes I believe people will buy into it because most people believe what they read in the news and what they see on tv as unbiased fact.  This is exactly why some people question scientists.  Because like politicians, many have an agenda and will revert to fear-mongering to get what they want.  For example, not even a year ago, supposed credible scientists at NASA finally after 7 years, admitted to using bad data in  assessing global warming outlooks and predictions.  And they only admitted it because they were caught using the flawed data, not because they wanted to get an accurate, unbiased conclusion.

  8. Yes..I live in NC and we are in the middle of a severe drought. I live in an apartment that is run from a well. Everyday I worry about my well drying up from lack of rain. The major cities around here are about to run out of water and are havin to pay millions of dollars to get more...Panic will happen if this c**p continues. It sucks!

  9. There are shortages and flooding and cold qhere hot used to be and hot where it was cold, we are in deep trouble and no amount of warnings will change some people, unlike everything else we have but ONE planet and unless we care for it we will end up extinct, before we would shrug and say: Not in my lifetime!, but guess what? It will happen in this lifetime unless we make some drastic changes, it is not only about polar bears and ice caps, it is about man's survival!!!!!!!

  10. yes, you should use rain barrels:

  11. for sure people will panic if they keep it up. whether or not there will be a water shortage is beyond me.

  12. Global Warming is a farce ,and Al Gore is an idiot !!!.

  13. this day and age we need to see results right away so until everyone is sitting there thirsty to death realizing the uptmost horrible thing has happened,we have no water, people will not be worried becuase our attention is all on materialistic things and other worries, more or less were gonna start worrying as soon as we realize that we dont know what we got until its gone

  14. Its hard to imagine with all the flooding happening.  but, I do believe in global warming.  The glaciers are certainly melting and in my opinion creating more water.  Scientist need a way to block the suns rays and protect are Earth from its damage.  Maybe build a big shield in Antarctica reflect the sun back to space.  This was the purpose of the icebergs that are now melting !!!

  15. maybe

  16. yes

  17. Assuming this is relating to fresh potable water.

    Depends on which "expert" you reference.  Pro or Con the term "shortage" is being sensationalized. Make sure you know the facts = geographics + demand + availability. Oh yeah... then check the cyclic data.

  18. they just want to stress us out, its all drama, you really can't predict what will happen 100-1000 years down the road....

  19. yes because we barely have fresh water on earth. About 2 percent of the planet's water is fresh, but 1.6 percent of the planet's water is locked up in the polar ice caps and glaciers. Another 0.36 percent is found underground in aquifers and wells. Only about 0.036 percent of the planet's total water supply is found in lakes and rivers.

  20. No,no panic.  It's the "issue du jour"... remember bird flu?  y2k?  those "gloom and doomers" need to have something to panic about..............

  21. Personally, I think it is a good thing that scientists are creating concerns over this topic.  It makes people think twice about what they are doing, and how it may affect the surrounding ecosystem.  I don't think water will ever disappear, but I do believe that there will be a shortage of fresh, clean water in the future if people don't clean up their act.  I have been involved in several studies concerning climatic trends and global warming.  If these continue, I believe that there will not only be a fresh water shortage, but also a food shortage.  If this occurs, there will likely be severe tension between countries, possibly resulting in war.

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