
Do you think there will be another September the 11th?

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Do you think there will be another September the 11th?




  1. every year so far

  2. Almost certainly; if you have a big enough group of totally dedicated & ruthless men who are prepared to sacrifice themselves there is no end to the mayhem you can cause.

    Just hope they don't find a way to go nuclear...

  3. yes, the day after September 10th.

  4. yes.

  5. we its rolls around every year so i guess so.

  6. Do you mean HAS there been another terrorist attack?

    Yes. Loads of them since then.

    Will there be a comparable disaster in the USA?

    Erm, New Orleans anyone?

    Could there be another even that could collapse a building?

    Ahem (China)

    Or maybe, will the date September 11 ever occur again.

    Yes, another occurrence is predicted about 3 1/2 months from now..

  7. I hope not.  We all can make of this world a better place.

    God bless.

  8. Yes, every calendar must have it yearly.

  9. lol screaming babies beat me to it

  10. Yes every year there is a September the 11th, if you mean another terroist attck on the American mainland, of course there will be.

  11. As in what happened and who it happened to (the US.) Yes I think there is a good chance something will happen again. The sad part is the government is so full of BS they may not see it coming. If the CIA, FBI and NSA would work together and really get dedicated people on these problems then I think we would have a good shot at avoiding it. Thanks to all the political correctness and all that bull that goes on I'm afraid that something will happen again.

  12. call me nieve but I cant see it happening again especially the way it did back then, U.S citizens were definitely taken by surprise and although it knocked them back a step or two it appears the many procedures in place now are perhaps for the better.........

  13. Yes or something worse.

  14. Yes, because the governments need such events in order to retain control.

    The trouble is that each needs to be worse than the previous, because we all develop an immunity to the level of horror to which we have already been exposed.

    I think you can count on it, and I think you can count on the fact that whether there any moslems involved or not, the government and the authorities will be able to prove beyond any possible doubt (?) that it was carried out by moslems.

    Then the sheeple will cry out for protection, and there will be even MORE controls and even more loss of rights.

  15. Most likely.

  16. It wont be planes and skyscrapers it will be Truckers and parliament

  17. Yes, there's one every year.

  18. The government might want us to think that there will be, and a few months without much scarry stories about more potential attacks has not been anywhere near enough time for the anger of the Islamic militant world to abate. America is not quite as complacent and it´s plan to create greater economic wealth through regime change has back fired somewhat. Iran is also not regurlarly heard about these days. I guess the government has it's hands full with economic disarray and though is not to busy to think about it, has more pressing matters. Also the Clinton Obama story just keeps going on.

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