
Do you think there will be settlements on Mars by 2100 or sometime after that?

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I read somewhere that a manned Mars mission could happen by as early as 2037, so is the year 2100 still to optimistic of a date for Mars settlements?




  1. I'd like to think so, but I think that's probably about the time the first flag is going to be planted, not the first Wal Mart, unfortunately.

    People just don't support the space program enough, so it keeps losing funding. The next generation promises to be even more jaded and short sighted than this one, and by that time, if the commercial is longer than 5 seconds, it took to long to get their attention, if it's not about who screwed Ms. Popular TV Personality, or about what she wore, or some nonsense, then it won't be worth considering, and the English language will have been raped into an illegible form so morbid that today's LOLCATS speak will seem like Oxford English by comparison.

    That's one reason I like the space program - it's at least one glimmer of hope for humanity, and I deeply hope that I shall live to see the first manned landing on the red planet.

    edit: wow, sounds like I think the movie Idiocracy is going to come true! :)

  2. Wow, who cares? The world will end before such things even matter.

  3. Oh, Yes!


  5. well, i think it is a possibility, however i think we will be farming on the moon around then.. maybe 50-100 years later we will be attempting the same on mars

  6. Only if we find an eassier way to get stuff into outerspace. Look up info about the space ribbon. Its an Idea

  7. At present about all our current technology would allow would be an exhibition to do some exploring and then return to Earth. The ship would have to be larger than the current International Space Station and would probably cost far more.  NASA is saying that a Mars ship, assembled in orbit would require 8 Ares V heavy lift launches. The trip would require about 21 metric tons of supplies for each crew member.  I don't see even this first expedition of this type before 2050.  A lot can happen in another 50 years so perhaps your time table is fairly accurate. It would no doubt require international cooperation and funding.  That would be the first hurdle.


  8. I reckon 2050 would be a far more realistic date. Since going there is soooo expensive and time consuming, staying for a long time would be a far more attractive option to NASA, who does work to a budget.

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