
Do you think there will ever be a Prime minister of colour in the UK?

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I mean we have had so many colonies & have embraced our fellow commonwealth compatriots, I dont see why not?




  1. Well most probably at some point we will

  2. We have a `Brown` Prime Minister at the moment  :)

  3. Positive Discrimination ends up with talentless losers like Harman in positions beyond their ability - as long as we avoid idiots like her I don't see why not.

  4. We have Brown.

  5. The current Prime Minister is "Brown".

  6. We had a Jewish PM in Disraeli and a female PM in Margaret Thatcher, so I'm sure it will happen one day, but I don't think people in Britain are really that concerned about it. What matters most is how well the government does its job.

  7. I think I might agree to do the job. I have the best qualifications of any candidate, as I have already governed for 28 years and am not going to stop now. Then I could help all the black people in Britain to become interested in farming.

  8. I doubt it.  Only in the US where money buys our politicians.

  9. People of colour already dictate to use now, so I don't see why I wouldn't happen. Maybe he'll declare is The Islamic Republic of the Britian.

  10. Never say never, but I think it's pretty unlikely in the short term. The UK has a much smaller proportion of non-whites than the US does - about 7.9% to the US' 18.3%. We also don't have a lot of non-white MPs, although the number is rising. We are quite a lot more tolerant than other nations - we had a Jewish(ish as he wasn't practicing) prime minister (in Disraeli) in the 19th century when many countries demonised Jews, so perhaps we're more likely than others.

  11. I always thought white WAS a colour - or have I missed something??

  12. Yes!!

  13. We have one now. He is red by embarrassment and political leaning.

  14. Just because our ex-colonies have more coloured ihabitant does not mean that Britain itself has. The only reason there would be a coloured Prime Minister is i they turn out to be sensible. Which is unlikely.

  15. I don't actually give a monkeys what colour they are as long as they actually follow the advice of the people they are representing, and not their fellow rich, fat cat friends.

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