
Do you think there will ever be a massive natural disaster that will kill off the human race?

by Guest57006  |  earlier

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Do you think there will ever be a massive natural disaster that will kill off the human race?




  1. I suppose at one time the earth could have lost all life. Velikovski does a good job in his books explaining about that. Today I think we can get enough of our human race into space before we could die off. Then there would be half a dozen more earths producing the next world full of humans .

  2. I am thinking maybe an unstoppable virus - one that mutates so fast the Scientists have no idea how to handle it.  Some form of flu I think will wipe us nearly all of us out and those that are left might be so few that they just cannot manage their lives when all of the modern things they rely on to survive stop functioning properly.  Other possibility is atomic warfare to pollute the planet.  Other possibility is meteor strike or a series of meteor strikes if that happens before the Scientists have figured out how to stop incoming threats by blasting them to smithereens.  Bit virus is my best bet.

  3. Yes, assuming that man dies not beat nature to it.

  4. not likely.

    the black death killed alot of people and so does war but I do not think a massive natural disaster will ever occur on the scale to wipe out the entire population.

  5. It's in gear at the moment and it's called overpopulation.

  6. Given an infinite amount of time, that is probable, and likely, unless our species finds a way to colonize another planet in this Solar System!

  7. I don know . but hope not :/ . but scientist said that there is so called doomsday right ?

  8. yes, a meteor hitting the earth or a pandemic

  9. Sure-how would we know? Maybe Pluto will exact revenge for demonting it from a planet to just a ROCK!!!!

  10. No, there wouldn't be anything that could kill all of us at once.

    I don't think so.

  11. i do think around 60% of the human race will die from a disaster all at once but i dont think everyong will die unless god and jesus dont exsict in that case yes i think everyone will die all at once

  12. No, I think there will be a massive man-made disaster that will kill off most (but not all)  of the human species.  To be specific, I believe the planet is heading toward a worldwide famine because of Peak Oil and Peak Gas, ie the depletion of cheaply available fossil fuels.  What's the connection, you ask? Simply this:

    Modern agriculture uses an average of ten calories of fossil fuel energy for every calorie of food it produces. The fertilizer necesary for the huge crop yields is made from natural gas. The fleets of tractors and combines run on gasoline. Even the pesticides are partly petroleum-based. The transportation network that carries the raw food to processing and the processed food to us  runs on a sea of gasoline. And of course, there's the cooking at home, and the refrigeration at the factory, the supermarket, and at home....

    If and when all this fossil fuel disappears, or simply becomes too expensive to use for these purposes, then modern civilization is over.  A massive dieoff will inevitably begin and continue until the population has crashed to a level that can be supported without modern agriculture.

    I honestly believe this is going to happen in the next 5-10 years.  Just last week, it was reported that world food stocks are at their lowest level in 50 years.  And have you noticed the trend in prices at the supermarket for the past year, and at the pump in the past two years?  Yeah......

    It's coming alright.


  13. A massive epidemic would not do it. The greatest influenza outbreaks did not wipe us out, and that was with no antibiotics, and no known cause. We would survive an epidemic. An asteroid strike might do it, if it wiped out enough plant life with a blanket of atmospheric dust lasting several months. Tsunamis and earthquakes are to localised to wipe out all of us.

  14. as humans have come to dominate this planet so effectively, so has our confidence grown that we have control of our destines. however there are so many threats lurking out there just waiting for opportunity. asteroids, global warming a major volcanic eruption (which by the  way wiped out the dinosaurs). And if that is not enough humans can travel globally, which makes it ever more easy to contract and spread deadly viruses such as Ebola and Havana which have high mortality rates and no cures. its just a matter of when.

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