
Do you think there would ever be a tsunami in christchurch new zealand?

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Do you think there would ever be a tsunami in christchurch new zealand?




  1. What!!! do you need something else to worry about?.

  2. With all the terrible events which shake our world, the thoughts of safety and that it won't occur are literally washed away. Who knows what will happen tomorrow? If there will even be one?

    Anything's possible today.

  3. Not an impossiblity ~~ taking into account the vastness of the pacific

    but who ' on earth' really knows?

  4. With global warming I am beginning to think the only safe place from a tsunami is on top of a mountain and anywhere else in the  world is a possibility not just Christchurch

  5. Possibly.  The are installing an early warning system at the moment.

  6. What a terrible thought. Millions of bloated sheep carcasses floating across the Tasman Sea towards the lucky country. Yuk!

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