
Do you think theres a cure for cancer?

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i believe there is but they will not release the cure because of the money they get from kemo. Honestly think about it why is there no cancer in the royal family? or why do important people always overcome it?




  1. Yes, i totally believe that there is a cure. I think that it is not fair. They should release that medicine because it would save so many lives and also lower that price.

  2. I disagree with most of the answers.  I think there will be a cure some day, and hopefully soon, but I don't think they are  hiding anything from us. Doctors take an oath to heal people, and they would if they could.

    By important I guess you mean people who have money, and they do get cancer and many do die.  Here are a few I can think of who died from cancer.

    Sammy Davis, Jr.

    Jack Benny

    Linda McCartney

    Jackie Kennedy Onassis

    Walt Disney

    Michael Landon

    Nat King Cole

    Duke Ellington

    John Wayne

  3. yes the big drug companies do not care for a cure just to prolong the agony with medicine addictions, they can make more money if they make the people pay for like 5 years instead of curing cancer instantly

  4. i think there is

    your absolutely right

    and i also believe AIDS was created by the U.S government as well as a way to control the global population

  5. if you actually knew anything about biology or medicine you would know that there are so many types of cancer that it would be impossible to hold a "cure" for all of them.  rich people overcome cancer more easily because they have frequent check-ups and exams and get their test results back immediatly.  also they have access to the best doctors, treatments, and surgeries

  6. TOP SECRET!!!

    There is a cure, and I know it too.  It is so simple that it cannot be patented (It would be like trying to patent the Orange you eat).

    The Moment you have been waiting for... Apple, Peach, and Apricot seeds.  They provide the Vitamin B-17.  B-17 cannot be found anywhere else but besides fruit seeds.  B-17 prevents cancer from forming (much like Vitamin C prevents scurvy).  Not only does it prevent it, it treats it as well, by working in the form of a Trojan Horse.

    Now the Controversy... The myth: Peach seeds will kill you...  The Truth:  All fruit seeds have small traces of Cyanide.  Peaches, plums, nectarines, and cherries (All from the Prunus Family - Where you get the name Prunes from) have the highest amount of Cyanide.  Even Almonds are a part of the Prunus family - Compare an Almond to the peach seed.  Almonds you eat are known as sweet almonds, with the least amount of cyanide.

    The Battle:  If cancer is present in the body, and vitamin B-17 enters, it automatically knows to attack and destroy it.  When it does, the cyanide kills the cancer cells.

    How to do it:  I am not suggesting to eat a peach seed right off the bat, you will be ok, after stomach nausea, cramping, bloating, and just not feeling good.  You can develop an immunity by eating apple seeds (with the core itself)  I just did it yesterday.  After a month of getting you stomach used to apple cores (including seeds) then you can try a peach seed (and yes it involves chewing it up, and no cooking it)

    Starting with one and building your way up to about 6 peach seeds (12 seeds is when it gets dangerous.  Then Apricot seeds have the highest traces.

    The Government and Agencies benefits from Cancer, by marketing over $200 B - Billion.  If everyone exercised this simple concept, the cancer society would be vacant buildings in 6 months destroying the Top Secret Empire.

    Wrap up:  If the whole world ate the seeds of peaches as well as all thier fruit, there would be no cancer, just like Oranges keep Scurvey and black plague away.  It is all so simple, one of God's little creations.

    I myself am beggining the experimental process.  BTW, Apple cores aint all that bad either.  Just eat around, then start chewing down the core (Ok I cheated and threw away the stem)

  7. I know that there are cures for cancer that are used in Europe that the FDA hasn't approved of here in the USA. It means that we have to be informed patients.

    I'm just coming out of treatment for ovarian cancer and I'm doing really well, I'm really thankful for the chemo treatment, the doctors and nurses, as well as the prayers from my family and friends that helped to save my life.

  8. maybe there's a cure right now that is being sat on, or maybe it's out there and just hasn't been discovered yet. But you hit it right on the nose when considering the money they make on chemo. There's a lot of things in nature that could keep us from getting sick or even reverse sicknesses but we'll never know about it because the knowledge would severely decrease the profits of hospitals and pharmacuetical companies. For instance, there's a study on resveratrol which is a natural substance found in red whine that they used in bulk on obese rats that caused their internal organs to appear healthy despite their apparent obese size and terrible diets. They lived longer, and had the energy level of a normal rat. You can get red whine extract from any drup store or walmart in the vitamin section, but those pills don't give you the equivalent of resveratrol as the amount they gave the rats. According to the study, they fed the rats the equivalent of a human who lives off of a purely McDonalds junk food diet, then gave the rat the amount of resveratrol that would equal a human drinking 100 glasses of red whine a day. They are currently doing a study now on humans to see if they can release a product in the market for regular consumers to buy that would have the same affect on humans. I'm sure part of that study will include the impact the distribution of this product would have on hospitals and pharmacuetical companies.


  10. Yeah I'm sure there is. There's a cure for everything.

    If the doctors and such had the medication for anything

    they would be losing money, and they certainly would be out of a job.

  11. The secret cancer cure conspiracy theory is a sort of game played by people who've never had, studied  or been close to cancer.

    Think about it for a moment

    In order to prove that any secret, hidden cure worked, or for anyone to know they were ‘getting close’ to a cure, several hundred people would have to have been cured by it (otherwise how would its discoverers know it worked?). Every single one of these people would have to be keeping quiet about it– not a word to the media from any of them, or any of their delighted relatives and friends.

    Any drug company discovering a cure would make far more money than they can have dreamed of making up till now – fame and fortune beyond their wildest dreams..

    Doctors, scientists, researchers etc would be watching their relatives die and dying themselves (they and their families develop cancer at the same rate as the rest of the population) rather than revealing any existing secret cure

    Most unlikely of all, if there were a secret cure, every medical professional in the whole world would have agreed to keep existence of a cure secret. Every single one. One blabbermouth, one disgruntled researcher or sacked nurse and the whole conspiracy’s blown. Newspapers and other media wouldn't have got a sniff of it. Likely? -and is it likely that these people, who went into medicine to help people, would be conspiring to kill them? If they wanted to make a fortune, medicine was a very poor choice of career.

    I live in the UK; we dont pay for our medical treatment. including cancer treatment. So cancer treatments cost our government billions upon billions, but the treatments are the same as elsewhere. If there were an existing, cheaper, guaranteed cure BELIEVE ME that's what they'd be paying for. As it is someone like me could be back at any time with a recurrence for more costly chemo.

    And our doctors are salaried - they wouldn't make one extra penny if the cancer rate doubled tomorrow and the chemo rate with it.

    Someone here has said there are cancer cures in Europe that haven't been approved in the US; as a European resident - I bloody wish! Such statements just go to show how myths about cancer cures start and are spread.

    It is completely untrue that wealthy people don't die from cancer. They may be able to buy more comfortable hospital beds in private rooms and have better hospital food - but they have the same same treatments and the same chances as the rest of us. Not many people are waelthier than Paul McCartney - yet all his money couldn't stop his beloved wife dying of cancer. Many prominent political figures have died of cancer. As for the royal family - the queen's grandparents, father and uncle died of cancer. More recently Princess Alexandra's husband died of cancer. I'm sure a google search would show that many other royals have died of cancer.

    The problem with finding a cure is that cancer is not a single disease, it's an umbrella term for over 200 different diseases. The difficulty with finding a cure is that different cancers are caused by different things, so no one strategy can prevent them They all respond to different treatments so no one treatment can cure them, so there isn't a magic bullet that cures all cancers and there never will be.

    But quite a few cancers CAN already be cured: seven out of ten children are cured of cancer; testicular cancer, Hodgkin's disease, and many cases of leukaemia can all be cured in adults with chemotherapy, most skin cancers are cured with surgery and many cases of thyroid cancer and cancer of the larynx are cured with radiotherapy.

    Many other types of cancer are also cured if they are found early enough.

    There's plenty of dedicated hard work going on to find improved treatments and ways of reversing and controlling cancers, but there will never be a Eureka! momkent - there won't be a substance or procedure discovered that will cure all cancers.

  12. definitly, I saw some report on 60 minutes that metal becomes so super heated, that it can kill cells under radio waves...and because of the many many many technologies being produced and researched, maybe 5-10 years i am guessing.

  13. There are cures in devolpment and I think they will we advable for use by everyone by the year 2020....this stuff about there being cures and the companies and the gourverment hording them is bull because like the person that made the cure would be able to keep their mouths shut....

  14. You can demand cancer to leave your body!

  15. There will never be a pill that will solve cancer. If they do find a cure you will need it for the rest of your life. To solve cancer you might have to solve old age. Cancer is genedic. A copy is taken of a cell and than the cell dies. In cancer the cell continues to live and grow. Old age is close to the same thing in a way because it's when the copy is a mis-print things start to go wrong. If a cell could make a perfect copy every time cancer would be a thing of the past.

  16. I sure hope they do, and if they do, they should tell people about it. I'm sure they're not lying...

  17. If you believe there's no cancer in the British royal family, you're sadly mistaken.  And if you think important people always overcome it, you haven't been watching the news lately - several big names have succumbed to cancer within the past year.  

    Bottom line: there are cures for some cancers, but others are still incurable.  And the idea they'd get less money from any cure is silly - cures cost plenty!

  18. Though there is no definte  cure for Cancer it can be cured  if it is detected in early stages and treated without delay. This will enable the patients to have extended life and less suffering. THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS REGULAR CANCER DETECTION TEST ARE REQUIRED TO BE DONE, IRRESPECTIVE OF AGE, ETC.

    Many cancer treatments are available. Your treatment options will depend on several factors, such as the type and stage of your cancer, your general health and your preferences. Together you and your doctor can weigh the benefits and risks of each cancer treatment to determine which is best for you.

    Goals of cancer treatment

    Cancer treatments are used in various ways, such as:

    Treatment to kill or remove cancer cells (primary treatment). The goal of a primary treatment is to remove the cancer from your body or kill the cancer cells. Any cancer treatment can be used as a primary treatment, but the most common primary cancer treatment for the most common cancers is surgery. If your cancer is particularly sensitive to radiation therapy or chemotherapy, you may receive one of those therapies as your primary treatment.

    Treatment to kill any remaining cancer cells (adjuvant therapy). The goal of adjuvant therapy is to kill any cancer cells that may remain after primary treatment. Any cancer treatment can be used as an adjuvant therapy. Common adjuvant therapies include chemotherapy, radiation therapy and hormone therapy.

    Treatment to manage side effects of cancer and its treatment (palliative care). The goal of palliative care is to decrease pain or other symptoms and help you maintain quality of life during and after cancer treatment. Palliative treatments may help relieve side effects of treatment or signs and symptoms caused by cancer itself.

    Cancer treatments

    Doctors have many tools when it comes to treating cancer. Cancer treatment options include:

    Surgery. The goal of surgery is to remove the cancer or as much of the cancer as possible.

    Chemotherapy. Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill cancer cells.

    Radiation therapy. Radiation therapy uses high-powered energy beams, such as X-rays, to kill cancer cells. Radiation treatment can come from a machine outside your body (external beam radiation) or it can be placed inside your body (brachytherapy).

    Blood stem cell transplant. Blood stem cell transplant is also known as bone marrow transplant. Your bone marrow is the material inside your bones that makes blood cells from blood stem cells. A blood stem cell transplant can use your own stem cells or stem cells from a donor.

    Biological therapy. Biological therapy uses your body's immune system to fight cancer. Cancer can survive unchecked in your body because your immune system doesn't recognize it as an intruder. Biological therapy can help your immune system "see" the cancer and attack it.

    Hormone therapy. Some types of cancer are fueled by your body's hormones. Examples include breast cancer and prostate cancer. By removing those hormones from the body, the cancer cells may die.

    Targeted drug therapy. Targeted drug treatment targets specific abnormalities within cancer cells that allow them to survive.

    Clinical trials. Clinical trials are studies to investigate new ways of treating cancer. Thousands of cancer clinical trials are under way.

    Other treatments may be available to you, depending on your type of cancer. -

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