
Do you think these Herbal ointments and tabletts help?

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Do you think these Herbal ointments and tabletts help?




  1. It depends on what ur using them for. There are so many that I can't answer your question any better than that. I have found a couple to actually work and then a whole c**p load not to.

  2. no

  3. Yes some of the oldest medicines are herbal, that have withstood the test of time as proven  to benefit your not underestimated there power its always worth the time to research each individual treatment for side effects and conflicts with other medication.

  4. yes, mostly, however some can have adverse side affects, my advice to you is to go and see a registed herbalist or homopath, there are also books that you can buy on herbak medication, or even surf the net.

  5. Some do, many more don't.

  6. Which herbal ointments and tablets? The active ingredient in some herbal remedies have been shown in clinical trials to be efficaceous in treating certain diseases. Indeed, many modern pharmaceuticals are derived from herbal origins - aspirin, ephedrine, artemesin etc etc.

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