
Do you think these are alien skulls?

by  |  earlier

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This video is an hr. long...but just listen to the first few min. of it if you don't want to watch it all.




  1. Oh boy weird shaped skulls and a vague story.  Must be aliens.

  2. If they found Joseph Merrick's skeleton (the Elephant Man) without knowing who he was in life, all the same things could be said about it.  Some would undoubtedly claim he had been an alien.

  3. Children are born with deformities all the time.

    Either by the mother's diet, poor water conditions, or just a fluke of nature.

    Since the skull is that of a small child or ape, it's birth defect was severe enough for it to die at a young age.

  4. The skull is that of a child with a deformity, most likely hydrocephalus. Hydrocephalus can produce a range of deformity of the skull depending on severity. The skull was DNA tested and found to be human.

  5. The alien skulls (crystal skulls) were meditation  devices and also were relics which controlled the earth's rotational change.

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