
Do you think these balls of light are forming the crop circles?

by  |  earlier

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They look a lot like what some people call "orbs".

This video is 45 min . long . I watched the first 10 min. and skimmed over the rest. If you're really interested in crop circles, I think the whole video is worth watching.




  1. I think those "balls of lights" were more like birds flying around a field looking for bugs to eat.

    Swallows can fly between 40 to 50 miles per hour.

    If aliens are so intelligent, why do they keep going to the same location for the crop circles?

    Wheat is grown all over Europe.

    The first crop circles were not noticed until the 1970's.

    Why weren't they ever noticed before the dawn of the new age?

    In my opinion, the township has hired a crew of people, (with skills in design, math, weaving, and textiles), to go out and make these crop circles for the intent of marketing and tourism.

  2. Thanks Deenie,

    I found the parts I watched fascinating. At around 19 minutes the circles do appear to become more defined as the lights fly around. I'm usually skeptical too. The intriguing video footage made up for the motley bunch of pot-addled eye-witnesses! What a bunch lol.

    All the YouTube UFO vids are rubbish/fake, these are quite excellent. Food for thought...

  3. crop circles are a hoax. if you think about it, if you traveled god know how long over billions of mile, would you just show up, ruin some guys corn field, and then leave?

  4. I was just reading somewhere today that there were floating white lights in a field and the next day a crop circle was found, it turned out that the lights were those miner's helmet type ones fixed to the heads of the blokes making the circle. The men themselves couldn't be seen because it was too dark.


    Okay, no I didn't watch it, I don't think I could stand 45mins of crop circles, obviously we are talking about two different occurrences then.

  5. Deenie, those "lights" look identical to mysterious lights in a very similar crop circle video I've seen on a science program, which were positively identified as birds. Also, as a critical thinker, one thing you should pick up right away is that the video clip only focuses on these "mystery lights" over the crop circles themselves. If the camera focused on just any old field, would the "lights" appear? Probably, since they probably are birds, but we aren't shown that. Something to keep in mind.

    Also, regarding the aforementioned science program  (I think was a "Is It Real" episode on NatGeo), another hoax video was shown where the perpetrators inserted a glowing white light flying over a crop circle being made by a couple people (by video editing) and sped it up greatly, making it seem that the glowing orbs were magically creating the crop circles. I didn't see that particular clip in here, but perhaps that's where they got the idea.

    EDIT:  Correction, at 18:42 is indeed the hoax crop circle video that has been debunked. In fact, the guy who made the video, John Wabe, admitted to the hoax. He inserted the white lights by video editing. The other clips of white lights over fields do seem to be birds, though.

    You might enjoy the web site of Peter Sorensen (see below), one of a multitude of crop circle makers.

  6. No, it has already been proven that crop circles are created by humans.

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