
Do you think these contacts look real or fake?

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I thought they were the most natural looking green contacts for dark eyes than any of the others I've seen but my boyfriend thinks they look really fake. What do you think? These are all pictures of real normal people wearing them.

Left natural color, right contact:

I have light-ish medium skin (medium beige, sandy medium) with black hair that looks brownish in the sun and medium brown eyes. Do you think they would look good or obviously fake?




  1. they look really good!!!!

    def. nice

    hm..i don't think your eye color will affect the color of the contacts.

    you should definitely them.

    Good Luck

  2. in some of the pictures they look fake in others they don't

  3. I think they look okay.

    The guy in the 2nd picture is sweating profusely though, lol.

  4. I think the second pic and the last three pics look the most natural...everything else looks FAKE

  5. Omg they look totally fake.

  6. I don't think they look that fake. They're really pretty though.

    I think you should get them.

  7. i think they do look fake on some ppl.

    idk if they woud look fake on u.

    but idk they mite look real on u.

    try getting a lighter color of green..

    but not to light..

    or get honey contacts or hazel..

    those r the realist looking contacts.


  8. I think you should try them.  I also have brown eyes and wanted the same pair of contacts that you want.  This color is going to look the most natural out of the ones we have to choose from, so I def. say go for it!!

  9. they kinda look fake..but i still think they look awesome..i love them in the 4th picture..whoah!

    they are aweome..i like the brown in the middle

    ive gor natural green eyes..i love them..but they arent that green i dont think lol

  10. they look like my eyes.

  11. the first and two last ones look extremely fake!

  12. Wow they look great. My girlfriends eyes are like that naturally (blue on the outside, brown on the inside) so my answer would be that they look natural.

  13. i'm sure they'll look good, just try them out! You don't know until you try.

    GOSH. Is it just me or does the fifth person(on your list) look PLASTIC??

  14. what is so wrong with brown eyes??

    they are beautiful!

    don't get me wrong, so are green eyes

    but i think everyone should just flaunt their natural eyes :)  

  15. sorry but they look really fake

  16. they look real to me. i have olive green eyes like these, with olive skin and dark brown hair. this is my natural coloring, so I don't see why they wouldn't look natural on you.

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