
Do you think these signs are.....real?

by  |  earlier

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ok, so there's this guy at my school, and i have a HUGE crush on him. He's WAYYYY popular tho, and hecka girls like him. My friends are like, "just keep your distance, cuz too many girls like him anyways."

but i really like him, and it's not cuz he's popular, it's cuz he's REALLY nice and he can be your best friend in like 10 senconds because of his sweet personality.

[i'm really religious] so, yesterday during class, i was thinking to myself, "God, if you think my friends are right, and that i should just keep my distance, please give me a sign"

then, right after i thought that, someone dropped a stapler really loud. i thought it was just a coincidence, so i asked for another sign. then someone sneezed!

ok, please don't call me stupid or anything mean like that. i'm just really curious. do you think they really ARE signs, or just coincidence?





  1. it is probably a coincidince because if god was giving you signs they would be more ovious (or however u spell that im typing fast)

    i liked this guy i asked god the same question and i had REALLY good signs.

    1.i tripped over this big pile of books and landed by my crush and i had to tell him what happend then we had a huge conversation.

    2.he walked past my desk after class and he dropped his notebook i guess he didnt notice so i gave it to him and we started talking about it

    3.after school his best friend lives across the street and he was having a big party so he walked with me to my house and then invited me over!

    but those are kinda off ur question

    i heard a loud noise outside the window and it was a rock it cracked the window but it wasnt a windy day and no one was outside!

    the other one is i saw a peice of chalk roll over to my seat and i sit way in the back then it rolled to my crushes desk which made me look at him and then he asked me out after that class =]

  2. Okay well anything is possible.. but, think logically. No one knows. anyone can leave any kind of comment or opinion about what they think but personally i think you know waaayy  more than just random people online. so i think you should really just try to figure it out. :) i know all of this sounds mean sorry i really am not trying to be rude. goodluck.  

  3. I'm way superstitious, so I totally think those are signs. and even if they werent you should still keep your distance.

  4. I think they are coincidences. I mean come on: "God, if you think i shouldn't like him, then..... someone will shut their binder rings."  

    You were in school.  However, keep praying. (he'll care :)

  5. They are well & truly coincidences.

    You could always ask the person who dropped the stapler on your head whether they are on a mission from God.

    I can predict their answer...

  6. ummm...

  7. He is probably very popular because he is nice to everyone!  Just talk if he comes around or if you pass him smile and say Hi!  See if he pursues you!  Oh yeah, ref the sign thing I'm not sure....  Good Luck xox

  8. man, at least you get something close to a sign =\. i've asked for like, millions signs from god, but i never got anything >_<anywayss, back to the topic =). It's up to you to believe those signs or not. If you're not so certain, ask for more signs. Try to be a bit more specific than just asking for any sign. Also, if he's nice, it could just be an image for school, but he could probably be a total jackass out of school. Good luck tough~!^^

  9. Maybe they are, who knows? Maybe they are coincidence. I think you should just go after the boy you want. At least you haven't let the fact that he's really popular stop you from being interested. Popular people need gfs too. Don't let your friends stop you from being interested in a boy who's really sweet.

  10. They can be whatever you would like them to be, or imagine them to be. To me, they are coincidence.

  11. Ask for more signs.

    Good Luck!

  12. I do believe in signs.

  13. Don't be ridiculous....of course they are signs....farts are especially momentous though, but do your friends even know what they're talking about....

  14. I believe in signs, so maybe they were

  15. it's true one time i ask God to give me any signs of what the guy thinks about me and then he suddenly looked at me and turned away

  16. It could be, but I think the sneezed meant keep your distance from that person who sneezed, not the really nice guy, and watch out for the stapler too(smile)! Next time ask God for a sign, don't think up something!

  17. ask for another sign!

  18. i think if any one of them could be a sign it would be the stapler fallin i think the sneeze is just a coincidence. but ut means nuthin anyways just go for cause if u dont try to ask him out u will probably always wonder what he would say  

  19. I believe in signs. I also believe that both the universe and yourself you want to say hi to this fella so go up and say hello sometime soon.

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