
Do you think they'll make me go? Please help! 10 points!?

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I am planning on going to a private Christian high school. It is a college prep school. Anyways they do like tons of class trips, and i can't go because I am still afraid to stay without a parent there! I no it is sad and embarrassing, but it is like one of my worst fears! I've tried sleeping over, but I always end up crying, and please don't tell me to get over it. I was wondering if the school would let me stay behind and just do extra work or something? I'll really don't want to go. Here is the website . I can't call and ask because I'm in school when it is open, and I go to another school. My parents won't call and ask for something stupid like that ( I think ), and I don't want to ask them! Could someone please help me?




  1. Go on a field trip with them and stay overnight some more and see just how great it can be to live away from your parents.  Remember that you won't be there forever and you'll always be able to visit them and live with them again.


                            Lunch Schedule ~ Sept 1-5

    Monday     Tuesday    Wednesday          

    Hot Dogs   Lasagna     Mashed Potatoes,

                                      Special K Loaf      

    Thursday       Friday

    Haystacks     Noodle Casserole


    Full meal: $4 each (or pay by item)

  3. You should go to the school.  Don't ask the question and don't try to get out of the trips.  Yes, you will cry and yes it will be embarrassing.  Once you get through the first trip, the rest will be easier.  It will make college easier and less embarrassing.

    You might want to explain your problem to one of the teachers at the Christian School once you start attending.  I'm sure they have dealt with this before, and may have some good solutions.

  4. I won't tell you to get over it, but I will ask you a question. Are you planning on going to college? After all, you are going to a college prep school.

    In college, you can still live at home. But at some point, you will probably have to leave your parents and live on your own.

    Sorry to break it to you. If you go on a trip on your own, it will help you deal with larger breaks in the future.

    Can you even get coffee on your own? Make small steps to get closer to the larger ones, and you'll be ok eventually.

    Edit: Ok so....your update indicates that you don't want real input, you just want to continue to live life as you are? Well then...I would recommend home schooling, and online college.

    There you go!

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