
Do you think they'll start a draft?

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There's a possibility we will go to war with Iran. Do you think we'll have a draft over this war on terror?




  1. McCain says if he is elected, the draft will only be used if it absolutely has to be (which has been the case in the past).  I think I heard him put it this way.. If its World War 3, we will probably have too unless enough people volunteer.

    I haven't heard Obama comment on this, but I would assume he would somehow bow out or avoid any wars.. I hope he wouldn't bow out too far, as in letting a genocide occur or giving up land, etc., but he is backed by some huge anti-war groups and you have to wonder..

  2. Nah, they will just come up with paying people more money to enroll into the army and stuff like that.

  3. The War on terror can't be one with infantry men, which is all that the draft can provide. Can you honestly see a conscript flying an F-16, or launching a cruise missile? They'd need years of training first which defeats the purpose of the draft.

    Even if the draft was signed today it would be years before it produced actual useful soldiers, sailors and airmen. It would be fine if you were planning to invade Iran in 2014, which would kind of ruin the element of surprise.

    If McCain wins the election the military will fight him to stop the draft because the last thing that they will want is poorly trained rednecks running around with guns. The military would see defeat in Iran before they let armatures muscle in, or politicians tell them who they had to take on as soldiers, sailors, and airmen.

    If Obama wins the election he won't bring in the draft simply because the people who are most likely to be drafted first will be the blue collar middle classes, the poor, and African Americans (As per vietnam). These people are all key Democrat demographics. Obama bringing in the draft would be like lining up a generation of Democrat voters and machine gunning them.

  4. No I don't

  5. That was tried by the Dems back in 05...didn't work.  However if we have a Dem as pres and a dem congress, they could put it to vote again and possible win in 09.

  6. Sparta used to have a policy of returning from wars with your sheild or on it.

    The policy declined. So did Sparta.

    Draft is necessary when the people are too pusillanous to defend their governments policies.

    Hopefully, the people's moral fiber won't deteriorate to the point where a draft is necessary.

  7. Whats the h**l the matter with you guys. War.? Drafts ? Terror ? Who said anything about a war on Iran ? It almost sounds as if some people actually want a war. Just what terror threat do Iran pose ? All they want to do is build a nuclear power station. Britain are planning building another 8. Are the Americans going to attack them as well.?

  8. Yes, if we go to war with Iran, we will have a draft.

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