
Do you think they could have faked the fact they couldn't snowboard? Just pretended to try out, and look cool?

by  |  earlier

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one day I was at the top of one of the slopes, it was just me and a bunch of skiers, they were fascinated that I could snowboard, and when I said it was easy they said they would rent some next day.

I was suprised when I saw them at the slope, they were going really well, one guy left he messed his ankle up so I went with the other two to show them how to fall and some other method stuff and they were so awesome.

They did in one day what it normally takes like 4 lessons or 5, and they claimed to have fallen tons of times but I didn't really see it happen...

so I was fascinated at first that I motivated someone to snowboard but come to think of it, maybe they faked it, to look cool, get chicks attention... Or maybe just really in tune with the slope and snow, from skiing... They must have skiied well though...




  1. i dunno about 4 or 5 lessons.... but i was a skier for years and my mom had some free coupon for a snowboard lesson... tried it for about an hour till i said "F-that" and went back to skiing because i couldn't make it 10ft w/out slamming down on my tail bone.  but then my neighbor wanted to try it so we went all day and by the end of the day we could make it down w/out falling.  we were not good by any means and when we did fall it was hard to get back up because of the being sore from falling ALL day...

    if it was their second time boarding i can see them doing all right but definitely not on the first day.  skiing and snowboarding are nothing alike.

  2. maybe but knowing how to ski and skateboard first really help i knew how and was able to ride easily by the 2cd day.

  3. if they were really good skiiers why were they fascinated with a snowboard?? surley they would have seen one before??? i rekon they had tried before and just went back to skiiing. they might have just wanted to impress people by being so good and only needing a day to learn it. i dunno. maybe they were just good. but i dont think so

  4. A lot of learning quickly on a snowboard is not being scared.  

    Confidence matter a lot with snowboarding or skiing.  

    Since they were already used to the concept of picking up speed down a mountain, and the concept of crashing, it could be that they learned faster because of this.

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