
Do you think they did that video of the alien disection to cut credibility from the UFO thing?

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I mean it is obvious that the alien is a plastic doll, who would fall for a scam like that?




  1. People crave to believe in things outside their normal sphere of existence. Whether this is God, ghosts, or highly intelligent beings visiting earth.

    Ultimately you have to look at each piece of evidence and weigh it up. Unfortunately some people are idiots and will believe anything.

    THe Giant squid was once considered a myth, but now-days is beng provven to be correct, time will tell.

    One day we might find evidence that cant be criticised, for now those desperate people can make so with a fake autopsy.

  2. We know now that it's a hoax.  However at the time it fooled even special effects wizard Stan Winston.  Not every hoax is obviously a hoax.

    No, it was not done to discredit the UFO proponents.  It was just some guy trying to get a little attention and money.  Same as the recent Bigfoot hoax.

  3. I have not seen the video and now i wouldn't want too because its a scam. But i do believe in ufos. If you want a cool video watch this one. Its about the mexican air force spotting ELEVEN ufos while doing flight training. The only bad thing is in the middle they speak SPANISH. Here's the video:

    Hope you like this video


  4. LoL You must be new here!

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