
Do you think they sell av cable extensions at radio shack or walmart? are they even real?

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My tv only supports the 1 speaker and the video component. I want my 360 hooked up to that tv and my surround sound. I dont think it will reach the surround sound box while plugged into the tv without having a extension of some sort. Please send me the link from a local store site like walmart or radio shack. NOTE*** no best buy . or circuit city . if they dont have them. you you think they cam be easily made?




  1. Yes you can get extensions but on the xbox 360 cables you should have an optical out put on the connector portion. Use the optical to go to the surround  sound and the video to go to the tv. If this isn't an option for you you can get an audio cable extension from radio shack you need a coupler and the cable.

  2. no they cannot be easily made, lol.

    I doubt radio shack has anything like that. actually, they might have  RCA adapters that would allow you to connect another RCA cable to the xbox one, making it longer. or you could buy a duel RCA extension cable from pretty cheap.

  3. Well, RadioShack is good for that kind of stuff.  At my local RadioShack, they sell all kinds of cables.  Not too sure about wal-mart, but it can't hurt to look.  You can look on their websites as well.

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