
Do you think they should bring in a rule next year that says......?

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if you kick the ball backwards it is play on with the exception if you are in your attacking 50.




  1. Deadsmur has a good point.

    I too am becoming fed up with the amount of times the whistle blows during a match.

    It's bad enough with TV having the umpires wired up for sound. One hears the whistle blow & the ump yell out 'play on' three times for every whistle blow. It drives me mad.

    I don't want more rules to cause more whistle blows.

    The game is becoming so non-contact that kids are taking over. Except for the odd exception a player is pensioned off by the time he reaches 28 or 29.

    A few years ago a 17 or 18yo wouldn't be game to say boo out on the ground - otherwise he'd cop a backhander. Now with 25 umpires & 100 TV cameras at a game the players may as well wear skirts & a bib when playing the game.

  2. sounds pretty good to me

    the swannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnies wont like it

  3. NO!!!!

    Just leave it,we don't want it to get more complicated than it's already getting.

    Slowing the game down is another part of AFL and it get's my blood boiling when my team are losing and the other teams slowing the game ,but thats just part of the game that gets us

  4. Hasn't this idea been on the drawing boards for a few years? It would be a good idea, but will the umpires be able to determine backward vs. laterally?

  5. Stupid Idea.

    Play the game as it was originally intended, HARD,

    not this softc*** stuff they play today. It's starting to resemble Soccer,ooohh he touched me ump, i need a free kick.

    I'm seriously thinking of abandoning the game & crossing over to League or Union, at least they still hit & HIT HARD.

  6. Fantastic idea!

    I hate that bloody time wasting! they should get on with it!

  7. Why complicate things even more? - if anything we should be making the game less complicated.

    Let the boys kick the ball in any direction they want!!!

  8. I personally wish they would just leave the game alone for a change!

  9. Yeah, it would sure make for some exciting finishes.

    But no I dont think they should make it a rule. A player should have the right to kick backwards, milk the clock, whatever. People bag your Swans for the high possesion, slow game conda....but hey they won a flag with that style. Tigers took a leaf out of that book too when they played "basketball c**p" against Adelaide in 06, and beat them.

  10. please no more changes, and here's why .......... the hands in the back rule.

    Just imagine if they had of left the rule alone, coaches fans and players would have been much happier, and the umps wouldn't have copped all the flack they got for not being consistent.

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