
Do you think they should refurbish Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time....They could really make it good!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Do you think they should...Its one of the best Zelda games I think. From there point of view many love the game and they could "Milk" a ton of money off of the game. They should also add a wii remote feature and the game cube remote feature. So you could use both, like you can on super smash Brawl. I mean REALLY that game had good graphics for the time it was made. (Was for the N64, and they made it work for the Gaming-Cube also) So....just add a bit of touch-up and it would be awesome!!!!

In a way they did it with the pokemon games. But they added a few things to it. This is what I think.


Same game

Same features

Same things

Different Graphics

Same Time line

Put what you think!




  1. The game is already perfect. There's no point in Nintendo wasting their time to "touch it up" when there's nothing wrong with it in the first place.

    Personally, I'd rather see Nintendo focus on releasing a brand-new Zelda game. I'd be pretty angry if I waited all this time for a new chapter in the Zelda saga and only got a remake of Ocarina of TIme.

  2. i 100%

    i agree with you i wish they would remake it

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