
Do you think they should start passing out condoms in kindergarten so kids will be prepared early?

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how about daycare?




  1. Why not? The kids could pull them over their heads an walk in public like that to the horrified look of all the soccer moms. They could also fill them with their pudding, crayons and play-do and make a real mess.

  2. no!

    middle school, sure, but kindergarten? what are you nuts?!

  3. That would be a crazy thing to do!!

  4. thats just wrong. they probably dont even know what they're for (hopefully). it would just promote it.

  5. Oh stop!

  6. no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  7. right... and they should show videos too.

  8. ok what type of person are you. that is the most stupid

    question i have ever heard...

  9. i know someone named barbra who would totally say that...but no cuz their wangs can't go up yet so it's pointless.

  10. prepared for...?  a water "balloon" fight at recess perhaps?

    No, seriously, I know where you are going.  I have a ten year old in middle school and I am watching what is going on in Maine and wondering if home schooling is the answer.  I can kind of understand high school, but 6th graders??

  11. i don't think  a kindergardener would know what  a condom was, and would probably choke himself with it. oh, and they wouldn't even be able  to even play with it, they can't! too young.

  12. uh NO. ew...

    thats creepy. id be MAD if they gave that to my kid. oh man.

    NO. that will never happen. even in gr.9 they shouldnt be having s*x. but i think theres no good age to start teaching them, if you teach them at a early age then they know about it, they should stick to what they do know, cause anything eles is not doing any difference. they dont even know what that is. holy. that would be a mistake. middle school they should talk about it, but make sure they know there not old enough! your a creep man. why would you want to teach little kids about s*x?? wow. does that turn you on..? gross. we all said no, and you say a younger age. yuck? your other questions scared me. you must be at least 10.

  13. Kids that age know nothing about s*x! How could you even ask a question like that? A lot of kids that age that do know about s*x, know because of movies and stuff they're allowed to watch at home. That or subjects spoken about in front of the kids, even molestation. But not all kids should even be thinking about s*x. Why would anybody enforce that?

  14. No! You'll get a lot of nasty-tasting balloon animals from kindergarteners, and very few of them are prepared for how babies are made.

  15. no way

  16. Um no. That is absolutely absurd. I think they should talk more into it in middle school though.

  17. no, thats just weird.... i think that parents need to talk to thier kids themselves when the time is right

  18. What is wrong with you??? NNNOOOO

  19. wth? Kids at the age know nothing about s*x other then what good touch is and what bad touch is and who to report toabout it....Condoms in general should not be distributed to ANY child....its illegal. Well, here in Michigan at least s*x under 18 is a no no. But we all know that they do it. Parents just have to talk openly and honestly with their kids and at Kindergarden level, good touch bad touch is all....

  20. No they do not understand they would think it is a balloon.I do agree early teaching is a good thing but that's just way to early.

  21. It's way too soon. While they do have to grow up eventually and learn about such things, they need to have a chance to be kids and not have to worry about these things.

    And all parents/guardians may not be comfortable with this happening at a particular school. I'm not a parent yet, but I wouldn't be okay with it happening that soon.

  22. no,no,no,no,no h**l no

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