
Do you think they will find oil on mars and pump it back here?

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Do you think they will find oil on mars and pump it back here?




  1. Oil originates from decomposed organic matter. It is possible, but very unlikely that any will be found on Mars.

    As for pumping it here, how would you connect the two planets?

  2. man were complainin that earth oil is too expensive($4 a gallon) imagine how expensive martian oil would be. and i would be expensive cause they wouldnt even bother goin to mars unless our oil ran out. supply and demand

  3. that would be hard goning back and forth to mars to us that would so stupid.

  4. Sorry - Pump it???

    Are you an idiot?

  5. even if they did find oil on mars the cost to transport that oil to earth wouldn't be cost effective.  Regardless, the EPA would never approve outer space oil for commerical use.

  6. if there was, it'd be hard to pump it cuz it's frozen

  7. I can't help but feel that that is rather unlikely, for more reasons than I could possibly go through in one evening...

  8. You think gas prices are high now? If we start importing oil from Mars, you'd better be prepared to pay about 1,000 times more. Odds are there's none there anyway, though. Oil is formed from decayed vegetation, and I doubt there was ever much of that on Mars.

  9. I don't know, but what i do know is  the Nationality that would claim it as theirs!

  10. Yea.

  11. I hope that you aren't serious.  Oil comes from decomposition of organic materials.  Mars lacks organic materials, and thus cannot have oil.

    (p.s. orbiting solar power stations would beam energy back to earth via microwaves. Not split water up for hydrogen fuel.)

  12. doubt it

  13. Most unlikely.  And, even if we do, the cost to get it back here would be totally prohibitive.


  14. If they did and transported it to Earth, it would cost about 100 million dollars a barrel, or over a billion dollars a gallon for gasoline.

    As Spock would say:"Highly inefficient"

  15. No.  Oil results from organic processes in living organisms.

    Even if there were oil, it couldn't be economically transported over interplanetary distances.

    Even if you could transport it, it could really increase the damage due to global warming---at present, at least there is a limit to the total amount of fossil fuels on Earth, so when the idiot humans burn it all, it still won't warm the Earth enough to kill all life.  But if you start importing fossil fuels from other planets, the amount of global warming could exceed even that in the Permian extinction, which involved an increase in average global temperature of 30 C.

    Solar power stations in Earth orbit, with the resulting beamed-down energy used to hydrolyze water, are much more likely.

  16. When I was a kid there was an advertising icon, like the Geico gecko. He was a huge smiling dinosaur and we were taught that "oil" came from dinosaurs.

    Kumorifox and cosmo are right "fossil fuels" come from fossils:)

    I guess it's possible to find that much "recycled" life on Mars but I also doubt it. Maybe deep within or microscopic.

    But time and enough research will tell.

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