
Do you think they will still be mad?

by  |  earlier

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ok this is going to be long, so im sorry about that.

last night at our first football game of the season, alot of drama happend. firstly my 2 Nici and Kaley friends came to the game with 2 of my other friends, the then nici and kaley ditched my other two freinds for a girl on the other team. so we just kinda forgot about them, then this girl we hate was hanging around us and she thought we should go ding-dong ditching, but we didnt want to go with her so we said we werent going to go (even though we were). we asked this guy to go with us and he was all in and i like him so it was all cool. but then the girl we hate invited nici to come ding-dong ditching, of course we were mad at nici for ditching my two other friend so this led to a whole bunch of drama so we left.

but then when me and my friends were at my house and jacob (the guy that was supposed to go ding dong ditching with us) came over to my house to try to ring the door bell...but my parents were in the garage with the door open so he was suprised big time. my sister called us all upstairs and as soon as we opened the door into the garage jacob bolted out, and we could see what we thought were nici, kaley and the girl we hate runnig off in the distance. so we sent kaley a mean text and we were all like "thought you could try and ding-dong ditch my house huh?" kaley was way confused but we were SO mad at them that we thought they were just faking it.

It turns out the people that came to my house were nici, connor, megan (the girl from the other team) and jacob. So now we like totally pissed off like alot of people.

what im wondering is do you think everyone will still be mad at us? (except jacob because he is moving to his moms today) but im scared because i have to face nici and kaley on tuesday (im mostly afraid of kaley though)




  1. oh yeah

    blah blah

    ricky said to nicky

    that he was g*y

    and she was lyk


    and then passed out

  2. Number one get rid of the drama. It is stupid and pointless. Then apologize to the girl you wrongfully accused. After that forget about it and move on.

  3. Ok. its going to be ok. im a freshman. i know what drama is like. but ok. so this is what i think.....if kaley comes up to you just be like "hey. sorry i sent you that mean text message. i thought you ding-dong ditched me". so im sorry about that. Then tell nici that what she did was not funny and she needs to get a life. trust me she'll leave you alone. then tell nici that it was really wrong for her to ditch your other friends for megan. and dont worry about connor.

  4. lots of drama :(. but i think that you should be upset with nici and not kaley. She didnt do anything except ditch you guys. When you see them at school on tuesday, talk to kaley first and straighten things out. tell her it was all a huge misunderstanding. Tell her that your sorry and want to be friends.

    next talk to nici. Tell her how upset you were that she ditched you and then ding-dong ditched your house. If she denies the ding-dong ditching part, just let her go. She obviously doesn't care that much. If she admits to doing it, talk to her and let her now how it made you feel. Let her know that it was upsetting when she went with the girl you hated instead of you. Try and squeeze an apology out of her. But if she doesn't apologize and just shrugs it off, leave her. She is not worth it.

  5. LOL! no comment XD

  6. that is way to confusing ....

  7. don't worry too much about it, if people are upset at you, just tell them exactly how you feel, that they hurt your feelings, but you were sorry for what you said. if they are you friends they will forgive you people make mistakes

  8. like the first two sentences gave me a headache

  9. Did you want to go ding dong ditching? I think they might still be mad. It depends on the person but when you go back to school on Tuesday, just walk in and have a smile on your face and act like nothing happened. Just act cool. If they come up to like "Oh hey guys, how's it going?" or something like that. Good luck. ( :  

  10. ughhh i hate it when poeple make every little thing into such a huge deal. just get over it

  11. just forgot about it and act normal to all your friends. eventually it will blow off and be forgotten, just don't argue about it, drop it. it would be stupid to lose a friend over at, haha. I understand stupid little things like this happen, but just don't worry and be nice and act normal (:

  12. woah! too much info at once and also this has nothing to do wiht singles and dating

  13. This has nothing to do with Singles & Dating.  I think you shouldn't continue to ding dong ditch, because it is played out.

  14. wow!!  good luck with this one!!

  15. Who (other than you)

    really know or cares

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