
Do you think things (bad or good) would happen just because you mentioned them or even just thought of them?

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Do you think things (bad or good) would happen just because you mentioned them or even just thought of them?




  1. no according to logic basics (post hoc) just because something happened doesn't mean it caused it

  2. Yes. Even on the most basic level. If you are holding something and you think to yourself gee, this would be easy to drop, or hey, I better be careful because if I drop it it will break. Then what happens? You drop it. The mind is a very powerful thing that limits many and causes all kinds of things!

  3. I would be very careful...

  4. No.

  5. I firmly believe that various thoughts whirling in your mind transmit further waves around you. The effects are at times visible almost immediately.For example, there is a very good old friend of yours. You make an experiment. Just start thinking ill of him  for some time. Though you have not told about the experiment to any one, you will find a difference in the approach of the old friend next time you meet him.When you visit some area abounded by hooligans and criminals, thoughts of crime and blood will come in your brain effortlessly. The same thoughts will not come when you are inside a church or a temple.Some times very strange things have happened in my life. While driving I was thinking that I have given my  car raising jack to my cousin and I am afraid that one of the wheels in my car may not get a puncture. Within 15 minutes of the thought, one wheel gave way.Can I treat it as a coincidence?It was first puncture after 26 months.

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