
Do you think this Miley Cyrus obsession has gone too far.!?

by Guest66492  |  earlier

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Seems like some teenagers life's are revolved around knowing what she is doing every minute of the day. I don`t see what makes her so interesting. Her music isn't`t even amazing. I would say listenable at the least. I think new disney starts such as Demi Lovato are showing her up. Whats the fuss all about !!!?




  1. its not even teens its like 7-12 year olds.

  2. Yes I do, she has no standards or morals and one day little girls all around the world will see how sicking their obsession with her truly is.

  3. Yeaaa it has gone way too far and it's sad because she just corrupts little girls minds.

  4. confusion lol :D

  5. i think she should fall off the face of the earth.  

  6. It went to far like as soon as it all started. Its just completely stupid now. I mean her music sucks. She isn't even pretty. Bad actress.   I really do not understand...

  7. Miley Cyrus is only famous because her daddy's got money. Otherwise she'd still be begging for gig at disney's feet!! Shes not as talented as people want to say she is shes jus someone who got lucky and had the money to make that luck go a long way. Without all that money she never could have went on tour made those cds or all that miley cyrus junk(clothes jewelry etc) and she'd be like everyother disney star out there...except without the talent.

  8. She's a product of the Disney-machine who's father is pimping her out for publicity!

  9. I think the Jonas Obsession is a little worse, I get hate mail every now and then from screaming girl fans who have no musical taste.

  10. yes and some ppl ask for email!!

  11. ppl that like her are under the age of 6, her music is crapy. your gonna get a star and the only thing i like about her is she is kinda cute

  12. obsession? where have you been since her S****y pictures came out? no one really likes her anymore. some of  the troubled possessed teenagers watch her every minute of the day. here's the bottom line : MILEY RAY CYRUS IS A S****y BAD INFLUENCE!!

  13. it went too far like 5 months ago.

    noww i do NOT know what to say about it.

  14. im not sure. but shes a star that a lot of parents approve of which makes kids into her more bc they kno their parents wont hassle them about it. and shes disney so little kids love her. personally i like Selena Gomez, Demi and the Jonas Brothers. they definately could pass her up eventually. dont get me wrong i like some of her music but she is starting to become well.."yesterday's news" a way. i mean Demi and Selena r new and fresh and Miley isnt as new anymore.

  15. well i dont think thats necessarily true. im a fan, and a teenager, but im not obsessed with her. i do think she is very talented, but i get that everyone has there own opinions. what makes people like her and the jonas brothers twice as famous as they would be it the haters . its just like the saying "my haters make me famous." its true! the haters give them so much attention, it makes it seem like they are more famous than they really are, then eventually, they do become that famous.

    i think its crazy that people can respect other peoples opinions. this goes for haters and lovers. everyone takes it too far. and if you havent noticed, its all over the internet. people wouldnt say such mean stuff to your face, but its all because they have there keyboards to protect them.

    thats what the fuss is about.  

  16. I am with you! Miley is WAYY overrated! I also agree that people like Demi are way better role models, cuz she hasn't gotten into trouble (yet, I guess it  could happen)

  17. Nothing she does is interesting you're right about that, besides it doesn't take much to know which she's doing every minute of the day... she's taking naughty pictures for nick jonas.

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