
Do you think this can exist...?

by  |  earlier

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  1. yeah, this looks like a freaky night club i once went to.

  2. Not in real life.

  3. looks fake

  4. Nope.

  5. Hehe, nice special effects :)  I'm sure whoever made it got an 'A'.

  6. I've seen that before, years ago.  Pretty sure it's trial footage for "Fire on the Mountain" that was never developed beyond the video story board stage.

  7. Can it?  Yes.  Does it? Almost certianly not.

  8. haha looks like a deleted scene from an old low budget foreign alien flick

  9. I totally disbelieve this footage.

  10. That's kinda far-fetched... I really don't know. I suppose it's possible, but I don't believe it myself.

  11. Well of course it exists....someone built it; someone filmed it....but as for it being 'Alien', who is to say that were not the 'Aliens'?

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