I live in a small town and have a police scanner. About 45 days ago, there was a call (VERY hot day for our area), that a newborn was in a car parked in the Walmart parking lot. The manager was outside with the car. The police responded, although I'm not for sure, I believe they took the child away for 30 days and had the mother go to parenting courses.
Yesterday, listening again, the same policeman was called back to the same Walmart with the same child left in the car (cooler day). He called for backup as soon as he got there, and asked that they get there before the mother came out of the store, because this was his 2nd call to the same car. He said several other words we won't mention. Do you think after leaving the child in the car twice, that she should or should not be reunited? BTW, she's 25, and a reasonably intelligent person normally.