
Do you think this company is done for? (In other words, will it "go bust"?)?

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I was just reading about an accident at Six Flags theme park in Georgia - apparently a boy jumped over a fence and was decapitated by a roller coaster. This one wasn't the Company's fault, but the are a fair few cases where people have been killed or seriously injured at Six Flags over the past few years according to various sources. (I know tragic accidents do unfortunately happen but this seems quite serious.)

In November 2007, after a girl's feet were severed by a faulty cable on a roller coaster, there was a 46% profit drop for the amusement park's parent company.

What I'm wondering is... do you think that this will lead to the Company's downfall?




  1. Yeah I read about this today. It is awful but I expect they has signs up telling people not to cross the fence so no blame will be placed on them as these people had wondered into a restricted area.

    I expect they will be in trouble for the girl losing her legs, that was horrible.

  2. I was going to answer this Q but am SO p1ssed off by Alana C's answer I can't concentrate.....

    Jez...I'm glad you give a s**t.

    Alana- That's Sister Haz to you....

  3. It's been in business for over 30 years.  They may close someday but not over an accident at one of the parks.

  4. Hi!

    Sad, very sad, but just another TYPICAL teenager, who 'knew it all' and as a result of this, lost his life.

    You can warm 'em all you like, but in the end they do what THEY want to do, and balls to the consequences.

  5. No, this little idiot had to scale TWO six-foot fences to get to the roller-coaster.  It's clearly his own fault he was killed so shouldn't affect the park's revenues much.

  6. Well it wasn't Six Flags' fault, I know the parents will sue, but the park had signs clearly posted.

    I think now parents would be cautious, but I don't think they're done for because they stupid kid just went over a fence ignoring the warning signs. Geez....

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