Sorry this is so long but I don't think my doctor knows what he is doing and I'm a little nervous about how my appointment went. Thanks to anyone who sticks around and reads this!
My period is 23 days late! I have never been that late before, my period is regular down to the hour. I have taken a few pregnancy tests and they came out negative. But I have been having some pregnancy symptoms. So on wednesday I went to the gynecologists office and got a urine test done there, it was negative. So I decided I wanted to figure out what was wrong and wanted to schedule a visit. They told me they could get me in the next day (yesterday) but it was with a new doctor. I don't have a regular gynecologist so I scheduled the appointment.
I went in for my appointment, the nurse took me into the room took my blood pressure and weight, all the usual and then asked my what my symptoms were so I told her: Sore nipples, headaches, heartburn, cramping in my lower abdomen and back (different from pms cramping) and more frequent urination.
The doctor came in a minute later and asked me when my last period was, I told him on july 23. He said (and I quote) "okay that's good that rules out pregnancy!" How does that rule out pregnancy? Anyway, then he told me I had a UTI. Other than having to use the bathroom more often (but not constantly) I have no symptoms of a UTI none, zero, zip, nada! He gave me a sulfur based medication that I *might* be allergic to!
THEN, he asked me if I was on b/c. I'm not because it messed with my hormones to much and people around me feared for their lives while I was on it. I told the dr. that I have been off it for a year and a half. He said that the fact I have been off b/c for so long and I'm not pregnant concerns him and I have a problem with fertility!!! Let me also note that my husband and I have NOT been trying for a baby (not that we would be sad if I got pregnant, we'd be happy) but, I even told the dr that we were NOT trying.
The doctor decided he wants to start me on clomid so that I can get pregnant within three months AND he wants my husband to do a seaman analaysis! I know this sounds stupid but my husband (who doesn't know yet becuase he is out of town) is going to be very upset when he finds out, he told me he never wanted to do that because if he ever found out he was sterile he wouldn't be a man anymore. I know it's stupid but that's how he feels.
So the dr didn't even talk about my peroid being gone--I still don't know why. He didn't order any urine or blood tests, he didn't do any sort of exam. All he did was pick out one of my symptoms and tell me I had a UTI and that I have fertility problems!!! What should I do! I don't know if I should start clomid, and I don't know how to tell my husband that he has to do a seaman analaysis! I'm a little bit nervous about this! What do you guys think?