
Do you think this election has resorted to some low blows...?

by Guest63046  |  earlier

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on personal lives, (even at the expense of a 17 year olds dignity), instead of focusing mainly on the policies?




  1. yes.

  2. Of course!  Fun, ain't it????

  3. Not only this election.....

    dont' you remember Bushs attack dogs going after Mccain in 2000 saying he fathered a illegitimate black child?  They were referring to his adopted daughter from Bangladesh!!!  How about the attacks on Max Cleland?  People always want to hit below the belt no matter what side you're on....

  4. i could care less about her 17 year old daughter, but at least now everyone knows that Obama won't go to such lows as McCain has. if the same had happened to Obama, i'm sure McCain would be all over it. I hope this incident will teach McCain to have more class.

  5. Beats the h**l out of having to talk about the issues, doesn't it?

    The worst aspect of it is that some Americans actually will base their vote on this manure.  

  6. Yes, but unfortunately they all seem to end up this way.

  7. Just vote for me, I will change Washington.

  8. Republicans started it with lies.

    Then they had to swallow their own truths.

    The truth hurts, doesn't it?

  9. Yes!!! It is totally disgusting. Even Obama came out and told the Dems to knock it off. People need to leave family out of it!

  10. nawwwwwwwwwww

  11. Only here. Seems the candidates are being respectful.....So far.

  12. We need to go back to the old system with the candidate who's second in votes is VP.

  13. Obama said, "Families are off limits".  The press, I am sure, is working overtime to learn about Palin and her family.  Palin had been forwarned by the McCain camp that anything and everything about her would be dug up by the press.  This is how it is.  

  14. The cracks about the 17 yr old are very low blows.

    The policies of Sarah Palin are, however, directly related to her family values, by her own political stance she's had for years - she wants government in the morality business.

  15. totally! but thats what politics in America is all about!

  16. Yes I do...but this is politics.  However, notice how Obama has kept his class throughout.

  17. Candidates


  18. YES Obama has attacked Sarah Palin through a number of his Morons who don't realize that they can be prosecuted for Child Abuse.

  19. Nobody cared how low the blows went when Obama and Clinton was at it

    Oh but now, you want to put the gloves on?

    sorry, you can't hit people for a year with bare hands, from behind....then when they turn to you, cry you want gloves

  20. ooooh yeah!

  21. If John Edwards was just a millionaire lawyer that cheated on his wife, then it wouldn't garner any news stories.

    Because he ran for President, it's all fair game.

    Palin accepted the spot for Vice President....and if she thought that the press was going to ignore her history or family, especially when it contrasts SO CLEARLY with her bizarre extremist views against contraception and for abstinence only s*x education.......she's delusional.

    She put herself in the most public arena there is....a Presidential election.   Everything is fair game.   That's the rules for her and for Obama, McCain and Biden.  

    This is why McCain screwed up.....he didn't properly vette someone before he brought them into the lion's den.

    Smells like fresh meat.

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