
Do you think this girl is flirting with me?

by  |  earlier

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If a girl calls you by a nickname she made up for you or your actual name sometimes and when she says it you look up and she's smiling and staring at you does it mean anything? She doesn't motion for me to come over or say anything else when I look up....All she does when I look up is stare and smile at me? Then I smile back. What does this mean?




  1. i'd say she really likes you but isnt sure if you like her back or have ne interest in her at all.

    if you kinda like her, start talking to her and hopefully she's be more confortable around you.

  2. It probably means she likes you, but doesn't want to be too forward.  If you like her, just ask her out.  If not, just continue playing her game.

  3. she likes youuu but she shy

  4. yeah i'd say she lieks u

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