
Do you think this girl would be mad at me?

by  |  earlier

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so theres this girl that sits next to me in spanish. i dont rly know her that well except for the fact that shes kinda popular [im not popular but im not normal] but she doesnt have alot of friends in spanish so shes kinda just quiet ya know?? well we were doing this thing where we were coloring maps, and she did something to hers that i thought was cool so i did it too [she like colored the lines connecting the names to the countries instead of just the countries]. but later, the teacher looks over at mine and goes "ohh thats soo pretty i like how you colored the lines and everything" and i tried to give the other girl credit by saying "um only cause she did..." and i trailed off cause the teacher didnt understand so i was just like "uh yeah." and she goes "wow its soo pretty!" but then i said "but hers is prettier tho" and pointed to the girl sitting next to me.

and i know i copied what she did so thats why i tried to give her credit...

so do you think she would hate me now?? i mean, she asked me a question about spanish later in class and she didnt rly seem mad and she tried to help me with a word to...i just dont want her to hate me!!




  1. I'm sure she can get over the fact that you copied her picture, but don't worry, it's very benign and I don' t think she'll really care. If she's a normal young lady, surely she can take the compliment :)

  2. I think your making a big deal outta nothing. If she were mad, she wouldn't have talked to you. And if your that concerned about it, talk to her about it. I'm sure she will forgive you....

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