i am currently living in japan, i have seen so many eco friendly effort here. epically before the g8 summit,
but see what they came up with?
they set a target at reduce co2 to haft in 2050!!!
and every company producing eco friendly products here seem to have only one same target.
get people to buy their stuff as much as it possible!!!
i am no kidding.
they all say something like, help save the earth by buy, buy, buy and please don't forget to buy this too!!!
people talk very little about re-use, and "say nothing" about re-duce!!!
people talk a lot about recycle because those big company behind recycle biz make big money, then again buy buy buy and buy our eco friendly product!
how is the going green movement in your country doing?
is it all about gov's pr and big company making money like what i see here in japan?