
Do you think this guy likes me based on the body language?

by  |  earlier

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1. stares then looks away

2. makes eye contact

3. looks me up and down- especially like what i'm wearing, my lady lumps (b***s, butt, thighs, legs, etc.)

4. listens carefully when i talk in class

5. watches me move when i am walking places

6. looks at my facebook page and reads it

7. looks at different parts of me when he sees me- then looks away and smiles...

now it could only just be he is physically attracted or something- but i wonder if he really likes me-

he seems too shy to even say hi!

and i'm real traditional about the not approaching the guy thing!




  1. If he's not willing to approach you but gives you frequent stares, he probably is only attracted to you physically. Give him a little time, he may want to approach you but may be slightly intimidated by your beauty. If he takes to long to exspress his attraction to you, then you probably wouldn't want to be with him anyway because he won't be outgoing enough for you and you will become bored quickly. Lets see what happens.

    Hope it helps!

  2. good for you for being traditional!!!

    as for the guy, looking at the face is one thing, but staring at your body knowing that you're aware of him staring, better watch out.  just my opinion.  

  3. He definitely likes you. One of you has to break the ice. Just say something like hey how you doing? He may be surprised because he imagines things about you and never talks but if he doesn't say much or doesn't respond you say it again the next day. Eventually he'll come out of his shell.

  4. He likes you.  

  5. yes he likes you

    if he's that shy he may never approach you.

    to traditional to start a conversation?

    make him feel comfortable talking, and then he can do the asking out.

  6. I think you know the answer to this question yourself.  Talk to him and see how he reacts to that.  Ask him when he was planning to ask you out.  Don't be shy and chicken out, you obviously been noticing him as well.  Good Luck hot stuff.

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