
Do you think this guy ought to sue the state of Louisiana for violating his right to freedom of speech?

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  1. I don't think he's got any grounds to sue the state for anything.  If he were to stand in front of a judge and tell them about his very racist behavior, I'm sure it would be thrown out!  

  2. Yes.

    1. Because he has no case

    2. Because it'll cost him a lot of money to discover he has no case.

    3. Because he's a jerk.

    It may be helpful to consider it this way: Suppose you were involved in a road-rage collision. The rager gets out of his car with a tire iron, gets in your face and tells you that he's going to kill you and everyone in your car while waving the iron. You believe him.

    Would you just shrug it off as his "freedom of speech"? I doubt it.

    It's a threat, and should be treated thus.

  3. No, and he should serve 4 months prison. Not because he's a racist, but because inciting a riot or instilling fear through hate speech is not protected speech. As a well-known justice of the U.S. Supreme Court would say, "You can't expect someone to be able to shout 'FIRE!' in a crowded theatre and still say that's permissable under the First Amendment."

  4. By all means.  Stupidity should have it's rewards.

  5. Absolutely. Although this guy is a jerk racist, the state is also violating the 1st Amendment. It cannot be illegal to to hold and display an unpopular view.  

  6. well he plead guilty, so he doesnt have a leg to stand on.  

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