
Do you think this guy owes me?

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Okay so one of the tenants that lives in my father-in-laws basement dooped me into buying a used xbox 360 from his work. (his job is like a rent-to-own place) He said it was refurbished and works great and it was only $200. Of course me and my husband think this is a great deal. Well a month after having it it gets the red lights of death.(its used so no warrranty) We tell him about it and he is like "man mine did the same thing, but your in luck my buddy will fix it for free just let me take it to him" So we did. We got it back with in 3-4 days. Well 2 days later it had the lights AGAIN. So we were like man again he was like "man sorry I will take it back to him" Well that was over a month ago. This past weekend we were like "MAN WHERES OUR XBOX?" he just replied "Well i cant get ahold of the guy anymore sorry, but i found such and such deal on a new xbox if you wanna buy it." Then he went to his basement and that was that. Does this guy like owe me half or for a new xbox? I am really mad. The worst part is HE CAN AFFORD IT. His rent is $450/month all utlities paid. He owns his car. His girlfried works. they eat out all the time and buy stupid ****.(m father-in-law is getting used hard core) I live in Canada so I cant sue him. How do I go about this. My father-in-law will say oh thats too bad and take his side. OOO I AM SO mad. HELP!




  1. Morally he owes you big time. Legally you do not have a leg to stand on. You knew it was a used XBOX when you baught it. Contact Microsoft and see what can be done through them repairing it (cost). You never know. I have seen a few people get them repaired directly through Microsoft.

  2. dude that guy totally owes you.  i dont really know the laws for canada but im sure there is something and if not just be like hey man i gave you my xbox to see if your friend can fix it so it was your resposablility, so im kinda wonderin why im sittin in my house without an xbox because YOUR friend didnt return it!  pay me back or get me a new xbox those r ur options if he dont kick his ***! haha seriously!

  3. I can't believe I actually read it but I think you should just take this as a lesson learned and move on.  

    You can't be too mad at him because you knew he was a crook when you bought it but you went for it anyway so you should only be mad at yourself for falling for that.  You're better than that.

  4. Have you tried

    They have some awesome free giveaways!

  5. too long to read

  6. You took a chance when you bought a used, refurbished item.  That's not this guy's fault.  He didn't "doop" (dupe) you at all.  It doesn't matter if he can afford it or not - he didn't make you buy it.  Also, what he does with his money is really none of your concern.  Let this be a lesson and don't make the same mistake twice!

  7. shoot him

  8. Shouldn't have fell for an offer that was too good to be true.

  9. He totally owes you.

    If you can't sue, and he won't pay for it, then I would key his "owed" car and maybe slash a tire or two.

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