
Do you think this guy was rude to me?

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I was in Borders Books today, they have stacks of books like 3 feet tall next to each other, people usually sit on them to read books, so i sat to read a book i wanted to buy.. I also saw people sitting on the floor. The guy who works theres comes over to me and says "Miss you cant sit on the merchandise"

He made me feel really embarassed, everyone was looking at me ,, I mean i was sitting on stacked high books other people have sat on other times ive been on there.

Meanwhile theres people laying on the floor and he says nothing to them.

what do u think?




  1. I agree -- I dont think he was being rude - if that is the way he asked... Just because you have seen others doing it before - doesn't make it acceptable... I mean - everyone would just keep doing it - if they let them.

    Yeh - I wouldn't really want to buy a book that had previously had someone's butt on... If they wanted people to sit down & read - they would put chairs there.

    I know it embarrassed you, it sounds as though he should have said to everyone to get up - not just you.

    I wouldn't worry about everyone looking at you.

    It's not like you did anything terrible.

    Don't let him get you down

    ~Keep Smiling~

  2. No he wasn't rude, he was just doing his job. You felt that he was rude because he embarrassed you. He's not going to say anything to the people on the floor because they weren't damaging the merchandise.

  3. No you can't sit on stacks of books. other people might want to buy them..  and if people sit on the floor that is different but nobody is allowed to sit on merchandise. he is right there and everyone who sits on stacks of books is wrong... other people don't want to buy books where other people sat on

  4. I can understand why you'd feel a bit embarrassed, but I don't think he was rude, unless he said it in a really snotty tone.

    Sitting on books can actually damage the spine of them, so I can see why they wouldn't want you to sit on them (even though other people have done it before).

    To the person who said you're not supposed to sit and read the books - at the Borders stores where I live there are chairs available, so you are allowed to sit and read.  

    What makes me more disgusted than the thought of someone's butt on my book is when people take the books into the coffee shop at Borders and read the books, then put them back.  I don't want their filthy crumbs or coffee stains on my books!

  5. generally speaking, no, he wasn't being rude.  just because other people have sat on them before, doesn't mean it's okay.  and for the most part, it's okay to sit on the floor in just about any store.  now, if he had come up and said, "hey *****, get the h**l up off the books," then yes, i would say he was definitely being rude :-P

  6. Just because others have done it mean it is right.  The other people were probably told to move. You were trying to sell. What if someone wants to see the book you are sitting on? another customer should not have to ask you to move.

    The people on the floor were all right because that were not sitting on the merchandise.

  7. i think that he was not that rude - i mean, who wants to read a book that some complete strange has sat on? besides, its a bookshop, not a library. buy the book and take it home, dont read it in the store. i think that sitting on the floor is far more socially acceptable than sitting on a stack of books. thats just plain rude.

  8. Don't feel bad or embarrassed... I don't think it was rude unless he was yelling.

    I'm sure they don't like for people to sit on something they are trying to sell. People probably sit there out of convenience. I'm sure he doesn't care if you sit there but his boss might. You also have to ask... Would you want the top book in a stack if you know someones dirty butt had just sat on it? (not meaning yours is)

    Just try to see it from the others point of view. Good Luck!!

  9. He's just doing his job. Merchandise should not be sat on. Do not follow what others do.

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