
Do you think this is a cloud?

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This video is a about 6 minutes long.




  1. No, doesn't look like it. It looks like a jet airplane. One explanation offered in the video is the space shuttle, though it doesn't have quite the right shape for the shuttle. Not sure why this is being touted as a UFO video. While it is unidentified, it doesn't really look that mysterious.

    EDIT: Deenie, there were no visual cues to judge the speed of the object, and in fact very high flying aircraft do appear to move much slower than lower flying aircraft (look up "motion parallax"). Moreover, I can think of a British jet that does have the ability to hover in place (the Harrier). But we only have Spoor, a struggling landscape photographer, to trust regarding the observations we can't discern from the video. I don't know him, so I don't know if I can trust that he's not pulling a hoax or not.

    EDIT: I was 800 ft away from a hovering AV-8B Harrier yesterday (yes I had ear protection on), however my comment was more of an aside to Deenie. From the video I can't make a positive ID, however at 3:39 it looks very much like we're looking at the back end of a fighter jet and the hot engine exhaust is even evident as well. That would also explain the reported lack of apparent motion. Based on this second or two of video I'm comfortable in calling this identified, but if others want to say to the contrary, that's fine with me too.

  2. It's a blur in a picture. Just like every other UFO photo in history.  


  4. Ok.. let me let u in on REAL goverment truth.. Aliens are a hideous lie, created by the Global Elite in order to manipulate the public into a one world government. Many years ago, a man suggested that the best way to unite the world is through artificial alien invasion. After that man suggested that, the Roswell incident occured and we started getting abduction reports. Alien abductions are actually part of the Global Elite's mind control program. And UFOs are actually top secret US military craft. How come we didn't have any UFO sightings or alien abduction reports in the last 10,000 years of human civilization until just now (20th century)? It's because the technology is new, and it wasn't around back then. All documents of UFOs and aliens that date before the 20th century are lies. If you think aliens are real, then ask yourself this. If you were from a million year old race that has mastered space travel, then would you be interested in interfering with the affairs of a primitive planet? No, you have much more important things to do then waste time on a primitive planet that is millions of light years away from your homeworld.

    Do not believe this lie, as it will cost you your life.  

  5. belsavis3, you are wrong, ancient civilisations have documented ufo encounters in wall painting we have found

    i agree with ufo's, there has to be life out there somewhere, but i doubt they have the technology to get here

  6. Facts are not adding up.

    The space shuttle was scheduled to be over the North Sea about lunchtime (where the first object was sighted). However, some rudimentary calculations of my own (and I could certainly be wrong, they were simple orbital speed and azimuth calculations based on a mean orbital day of 90 minutes at a mode height of 175 miles above the Earth, giving a speed of about 17,000 miles per hour) place the space shuttle solidly in the southern hemisphere at the time of the filming, being about 7:45 in the evening. From the ground, it would appear as a tiny speck on even the best camcorders... and even through a powerful (and expensive) telephoto lens, it would appear triangular, not rectangular. It is therefore confirmed as unidentified.

    The second image is definitely not moving like a cloud. Clouds don't suddenly pick up speed or change direction for no reason (and the wind doesn't change that rapidly). Additionally, this is closer to the "space shuttle" shape than the other. This is a possible explanation, but the space shuttle doesn't move sideways or change direction suddenly. It is also therefore unidentified.

    The third image (the light at night) has no frame of reference and cannot be identified or allow for any elimination as to what it's not.

    The fourth image is clearly not a standard terrestrial craft, and corroborates with other CE2 descriptions around the world. The lighting, speed, and activity of the craft are clearly not within the known capabilities of any terrestrial craft. This does not have a positive identification, but is negative for all known craft.

    The testimony of the expert (Dr. Richard Crowther) at DERA Farnborough doesn't appear to be able to take into account any facts, but rather dismisses outright what he sees as a cloud. I cannot accept the testimony on the grounds that the reasoning has been invalidated with known facts.

    Therefore, this is clearly UFO data, being that it's simply unidentifiable. As to the idea of its being extraterrestrial in origin, there's also no data to support this in any image presented. There is simply not enough data available to make any positive determination.

    EDIT: Hey, TR: I've seen Harriers. My father used to program radar for them. That was DEFINITELY not a Harrier jet.

  7. My first impression is that it looks like one of those suits with the rocket attached to the back that enables an individual to fly while in an upright position.  I don't say that there are not UFOs, but I dont think that was one.

  8. that doesnt look like a cloud but i guess the ppl say it is so they should kno but i dont agree

  9. They look like ufos too me.

  10. Yeah at 3:39 it looks totally like you're looking at a jet from the rear. That means the jet was flying directly away from the camera and climbing, which also means that you wouldn't see it moving left or right or up or down, but just getting smaller over time. I think that could give the illusion of it hovering in the air.

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