
Do you think this is a cool suprise?

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My fiance has an 8 year old daughter. Sadly her birthday is when she'll be in camp so we won't be with her. However, I had an idea for my birthday present to her: a room remodel!

While she's at camp, I'll redo her whole room, it'll be a suprise! My fiance LOVED the idea. He said that we'll keep the furniture, but paint the walls and get new stuff for it.

Since she LOVES Hannah Montana I was thinking about doing that. I'm getting her this bedset:

and paint the walls hot pink and put lavender accents around the room.

Tell me what you think of my idea! Thanks in advance!




  1. Coolest almost stepmom ever!

  2. Great idea, but you might want to consider this.   Get a large box and write "private things" on it.  If you come across letters, notes or a diary, for example, place those things in the box.  Once her room is complete, set the box in a corner of her room.  When you show her the room and after she stops screaming and showing her friends, take her aside, away from dad, and tell her that you know how important her private things are to her and that you kept them in this box so they wouldnt be messed with, or accidentally gone through.  She will respect you for this and may see that since you "didnt tell dad" about her love note to timmy, that she can come to you with her problems and questions.

  3. That is a GREAT idea. I think its so nice of you. Most people arent nice to their boyfriends of girlfriends kids. You are sweet. She'll love it!!!

  4. well, sounds cool

    but if i were returning from camp the first thing i'd want to do was sleep on my old bed, and i'd be pretty upset if my mom changed my whole room while i was gone

    even if it was redone with my favorite TV character. she might like her room just the way it is. just making sure you realize that.

    why don't you take her to a spa day or shopping instead, or you can  ASK her first? she might love to help you redo her room, if that's what she wants

    happy birthday to her! :)

  5. Thats a great idea but what happens when ur precious daughter turns into a teen and is having s*x on top of hannah montana not a good idea my friends daughter did that so no !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  6. i was 8 once and thats cccccccoooooooooooooolllllllllllllll

  7. Thats an awesome, hannah lamps, bean bags, etc. Hope she liikes it. x ]

  8. That's a fantastic idea.  Kids love surprises more than anyone else, so don't worry about her being upset you messed with her space-  she'll just be more than happy to have a stepmom as great as you.  The bedset is absolutely adorable, and I think it's a good idea you're keeping the furniture.  Good luck and great idea!!!

  9. I'm pretty sure she'll love it, you must be one of the nicest people on Earth if you are doing all that.

    Have fun!

  10. She'll go nuts. Go ahead, do it.

  11. Fantasic idea! Good luck with it!

  12. Great idea! What else does she love? Put also some of her favorites aside from Hannah Montana. And buy also a cake for her.

    Hope i helped.

  13. I think she will absolutely LOVE it and it will make her feel closer to you for doing such a cool thing for her!

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