
Do you think this is a funny birthday present?

by  |  earlier

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If I bought like 5 packs of trident gum, and put a 10 dollar bill in one of them. But on the card I write "look inside and in one of them, you'll find a suprise" because I told her I was going to get her something no one else would. And we're not that good of friends so I thought 10 dollars should be just fine. What do you think?




  1. That's a fun gift idea for someone who is 5 years old, but I think it would have been a better gift if you just put a little more thought into it and purchased somethng for ten bucks. Ten bucks is not a lot of money to give as a gift to anyone but a small child, but the same ten bucks could mean a lot more if it was used to purchased a well thought out gift.  

  2. i did that once, and she got pissed when she saw it. lol

  3. well is ok presesnt but let me give you a better idea ok

    well get a box normel size and then get a small box and put the gum in there and then if you could get a smaller box and put the moeny o and tape the bigest box good and make the box look nice andd stufff

    well that is what i would do

    or just get a big box and put rocks in it and under the rocks put the gum and the moeny

    wwelll i hope i helped youu

    if i did give me some points please lol i rellly need some lol

    welll write to me and tell me what you are going to do goood luck


  4. umm no, thats very dissapointing... give her more or if you cant just buy something for 10 bucks but dont give such a small amount get her a gift card but just a ten dollar bill is tacky. and you dont want to offend her

  5. yea thats a different kind of gift.  She will like it I'm sure.  You did well.  

  6. clever- everyone likes cash!

  7. Yeah it sounds cute. (:

    Go for it. Wish I could think of something like that!

  8. It might seem like you are trying to hint that she has bad breath or something buying her all that gum.

  9. I didn't make this rule.

    But most people give twenty.

    And I wouldn't give it away.

    I would totally let her find it on her own.

    But it is pretty cute :P

  10. that's cute she'll love it! and yes 10 dollars is fine.

  11. The person getting the gift would be surprised, I know I would be!

  12. No offense but that's just kind of freaky...Its original but i wouldn't advise you to use this idea on a girl that u don't seem to be that friendly with  

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