
Do you think this is a good cat name?

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I'm getting a kitten its a girl charcoal colored with a little gray on her face. She was just born i was thinking of naming her Colbie. Do you think that's a good name? and what would you suggest?




  1. Although Colbie is a fine name  you should consider other names:

    For Example-

    Asha, Ashely, Black Magic, Charm, Cleopatra, Dusk, Eclipse, Enigma, Genie ,Inky, Jynx, KoKo, Midnight, Onyx, Phantom, Shadow,  

  2. Totally cute or Coalie! Coaly.

  3. Sounds adorable (:

  4. usually when i see these type of question i answer by saying after you had the cat a few days,and they type of character they turn out to be, you will call them some sort of name that will stick,what ever you choose good luck...

    their is a saying though that a dog will come when called,but a cat will take a message and get back to you..

    and if you want the best seat in the house, move the cat.

    any way i have enclosed a couple of sites with a list of names.if you need them

  5. Colbie is a wonderful name!

    It's always fun choosing names for your kitties! There are a lot of good suggestions, and I'll just add that if you like, you can go the the site below to choose your Kittie's name. It's a great name finder tool.

  6. Colbie is an adorable name for her!!






  7. I think anything that you like and are comfortable with is perfectly fine.  Ask yourself these questions: can you see this name on her for the rest of her life?  Would you mind calling her this name in front of anyone else?  Do you feel it fits her?  

    I think if you can answer those questions that will help make your decision.

  8. I love that name, it's perfect.

  9. very cute...

  10. Very Cute!  

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