
Do you think this is a good picture?

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I honestly don't know what to think about this picture.

I don't know if its cute/ugly or what.

Just wanna know wut you think.

Be honest.

I have high self esteem so put downs wont hurt me.





  1. Looks like a mirror shot where the flash reflects all over the image.

    You are far too good looking to settle for that kind of quality!

    Over 30 years as a pro portrait photographer.

  2. it's too blurry, but it's not ugly

  3. Hi Self

    The girl is pretty but not the pic. I wonder why many of you tend to hide the beauty of a nice clear crisp photo.

    Am I missing something here ?

  4. The pose is ok, but the image itself not a good one....looks like it was taken with a webcam, which has poor resolution to begin. Re-do with a better camera and lighting, also, watch the pose angle.

  5. i think the pictures gud!

    look like a singer or an actress...

  6. looks like any other picture taken.

  7. it's nothing special.

  8. The girl is absolutely gorgeous, but the picture isn't great... The bright light sort of veils her and fades her out. And the pose is kinda boring and overused. I think a picture with a more natural light and pose would look nicer.

    Are you the model or photographer, by the way?

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